Part V

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Morning came and you were surprised to see Tom. He was on the table staring at his mug. Sitting beside him.

"You are early." You said making him looked at you "Good morning."

"Good morning," Tom responded with a weak smile.

Smiling back at him, you lightly bumped him in the arm "Are you okay, buddy?"

"About last night." He started but he paused so you continued instead.

"Is it about the silent treatment?" You said as he nodded. He does feel bad "look, I know how physically drained you were. So, none taken."

"I'm really sorry, [Y/N], and to make it up to you.." Tom stood up and got something in the kitchen "... I made you a coffee." He said sitting next to you.

Finding it cute, you couldn't help but to giggled "Ow, Tom, thank you. That is so nice of you."

"Nah! It's nothing." He said finally smiling for real "cheers."

"Cheers." You said clicking your mug together.

Tom was okay again and he was talking to you but sometimes he would catch his self-starring at you. Each day passed and he can't ignore it any longer. He really is indeed falling in love with you. Every cut, he would immediately scan the area looking for you. Taking a break, you handed him a towel. He was running everywhere and he was sweaty.

"Thanks." He said wiping his sweats.

"Just doing my job." You respond giving his bottled water "and maybe I can sell this used towel. I'm sure your fans would die to have this." You added when he gave you the towel.

"I won't let you do that." He laughed.

"Come on, you're no fan."

"But you are planning to sell my stuff."

"Fine then I won't. Oh, by the way, I'll leave you to Harrison. I need to go home early."

"Why?" He asked, "Are you sick?"

"No, I'm not." Giving him an assurance "I'm good, I just need to do some errands. Besides we are running out of stocks."

"I.. I see."

Knowing that you won't be there, it kinda made him sad. He likes seeing you, he likes it when he knows you are near. He loves the idea that he can impress you. But he would see you with Harrison. How he made you smile and how close you two. Actually, he was scared that Harrison like you too. Taking another break, he saw you get your bag.

"You're leaving?" He asked.

"Yeah." You simply answered checking if you have everything "Alright, Tom I'll leave you in Harrison's hand and Harrison."

"Yes [Y/N]?" Harrison asked.

"Do your job." You said.

"Seriously, you're my assistant. I think I would know what I should do." Harrison said.

"Well ever since I arrived you've been slacking off." You said teasing him.

"Excuse me! But I'll do just fine. Thank you." Harrison respond.

"Just kidding. I'll go ahead. Love you both." You said kissing both in the cheeks.

"Don't miss us so much," Tom said embracing you.

"Funny, I should be the one telling you that." You added before leaving "Bye boys."

The remaining hours without you in the set felt like forever for Tom. He just couldn't wait to go home and see you and when they were finally at the garage, he can see the lights on and his lips broke into a smile.

"Tom, before we go in" Harrison started "we need to talk."

"About what?" Tom asked.

Taking a deep breath, Harrison continued "It is about someone. About [Y/N]."

|End of Part V|

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