Part XX

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It was another fun date with Bill, you two were at the mall. He said that he needed to buy a gift for a friend and you were helping him out.

"[Y/N], I'm sorry if I have to squeeze this to our date." Bill said with an apologetic smile.

"No, it's fine. Come on, as if I don't ask you to come with me to do some errands." You said laughing a bit. Bill's lips broke into smile, he really likes you and he was falling deeper for you. "Why are you smiling at me like a psychopath?" You asked and he smiled like the clown on It. This made you laughed "Bill, stop it you're creeping me out."

"Don't laugh, I think I look good in this smile." He said making you laugh even more "wait, don't move." He was suddenly serious which made you stop.

"What is it?" You asked when he reached out to your face.

"Don't move." He said then you felt a soft pinch on your skin "look, an eyelash. Blow it then make a wish."

"Isn't make a wish then blow it?" You chuckled.
"Either way is fine."

"Fine." You close your eyes and made a wish then you felt something against your lips. Opening your eyes, Bill kissed you. He cupped your face, parted your lips and gazed you with admiration. He caresses your cheek lovingly and leaned in to kiss you again and this time you responded. It was a short sweet kiss "Bill."

"I'm sorry." He said resting his forehead against yours "I was, I couldn't help myself. You look so beautiful and I've been wanting to kiss you since day one."

"The mall isn't the perfect place to do that." You said giggling.

"Yeah, kids might be watching." He said making you both laughed. Bill held your hand and planted a kiss at the back of your hand "Let's go."

What you didn't know, Tom and Harrison saw it. Tom's heart shattered. He walked away, went to the grocery store and started to do their errand.

"Tom, talk to me." Harrison said. His best friend has not spoken a word after what he saw "Tom."

Tom never answered. The entire time at the grocery's he didn't say a word. He was putting a dozen bottle of beer in the cart.

"Tom, don't you think that too much?"

"We don't have work tomorrow so I think having a few drinks won't hurt. Besides I'm paying for it!" Tom snapped at him.

"Tom you are not thin..."

"No Haz, we are going to have a drink tonight. We will celebrate that finally the woman I love is taken from me." He said grinding his teeth.

That moment, Harrison knew that he can't do anything but to make sure that nothing bad will happen to his friend. They went home and Tom immediately started to drink. Bottles after bottles.

"Just this morning, we were talking about them and now! They are finally together." Tom was drunk and Harrison was watching him, letting his friend rant "[Y/N], told me that.. that she will only kiss him if they are together. Ha! Voila!!" Tom throw his hand in the air "There they were at the mall. At the middle of fucking mall making out." He stopped and stare at the ground "Haz, I lost her. I lost the woman I love."

"Tom, I swear I don't know what to say but I'll be here for you." Harrison putting an arm around him "Drink as many as you want. I'll look after you."

"Thanks, Haz." Tom sincerely told him.

"Of course, I'm not letting this opportunity to go. I mean just imagine all the embarrassing stuffs you will do! I have to capture that." Harrison said.

This time, Tom finally laughed. Good thing he has his friend with him and they drink the night away. It was almost 11 pm when you arrive and you saw a line of emptybeer bottles on the table.

"Tom? Harrison?" You called. "Guys?" Then there was a loud noise in the living room area "Tom?"

"Oh look, Haz it's [Y/N]" Tom said pointing at you "she is here"

"Tom, you are drunk." You said.

"[Y/N] you are making me laugh. I'm not drunk. Tipsy? Yeah, bit." He said walking close to you.

"You are dead drunk, Holland." You said as he almost tripped.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me. You are just an assistant of my assistant. So why you care about me." Tom said trying to stand straight but failed.

"Tom, what are you talki...."

"Shh, let me talk." Tom hushed you and you were surprised "I... I care for you, a lot! I mean, I would go crazy if I don't know if you are okay or not." You were confused and not knowing what he was trying to say "don't you know, I was so scared when you went out with that Bill. He.. he, I don't like that guy."

"Tom, you are drunk and you need to..." you started but he cut you off again.

"[Y/N], I love you! I love you and it sucks to know that I can't have you." Tom cupped your face "I don't know what I will do for you to believe me." You were out of words then Tom continued "[Y/N], I love you."

|End of Part XX|

A/n: a little flashback from the start. I know you have few questions what happened before the kiss.😅 but drunk Tom is cute.😍 hope you all enjoyed the update.😊

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