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Harrison was already in the kitchen making breakfast when you arrived. Sitting in the counter, you were welcomed by grinning Harrison.

"You look like a maniac." You commented.

"A good looking one." He said winking at you "but! Can we just talk about this?" Harrison showed you a picture of you and Tom from last night "So, nothing is going on."

"Look, I.. we." You were not yet ready for interrogation. Then to strong arms encircled around your body.

"Good morning." It was Tom. You couldn't believe that he was hugging you from behind and your heart was going wild.

"You shocked her, mate." Harrison laughed his heart out, seeing your red cheeks. Taking his phone out, he took a photo of you and Tom again "I just have to capture this."

"Delete that!" You exclaimed.


"Yes." You were about to run after him but Tom's arms stopped you.

"He is just jealous." Tom said resting his chin on your shoulder. You can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks.

"Come on [Y/N], speak up." Mentality scolding yourself.

"Can I have a good morning to you too." Tom said making you looked at him.

"What?" You said.

"I said good morning and after that it is your turn to say it back to me." Tom said still holding you in his arms.

"You are being demanding." You couldn't help but to smile at him which he returned.

"Well, that how it works, darling." He chuckled then laughed.

"I want to say that you are not the boss of me but technically you are my boss." You said.

"We can make some arrangements. If you become my girlfriend, I'll be your boyfriend and not your boss." He smoothly.

"I feel like I'm watching a romantic movie." Harrison commented taking another picture of you and Tom.

"You." Tom seriously said pointing at Harrison "you better send me those pictures."

"And I thought you are going to ask him to delete it." You said rolling your eyes.

"No way." Tom answered getting his phone out but still have one of his arms around you "These pictures are our memories."

"Ow, Tommy is being sentimental." Harrison said in awe.

Tom couldn't take his hands off you, if he was not holding your hand, he would put an arm around you. As much as you want to complain, you were enjoying it. You love how your hands fit perfect and his protective arms around you.

"This must be one of the best day of my life." Tom said kissing the back of your hand.

"Why is that, Mr. Holland." You asked.

"Because I can do these; hold your hand, I can pulled you into my arms" which he did "I finally told you how I feel and I can finally do this." Tom was leaning towards you. You can feel his nose brushing against yours but he stopped "I can finally be this close to you." He added resting his forehead against yours "I love you."

Gazing into his brown eyes, you couldn't help but to stare and be mesmerized. Just one move and you can finally feel his lips on you. You can smell his perfume and his breath tickled your lips. But Tom was planning special for your first kiss, so he move face away and kissed you on the forehead instead.

"Why you are always doing that?" You asked resting your head on his shoulder.

"Doing what?" Tom dumbfounded asked.

"You are always.... never mind." You said nuzzling close to him.

You never been this comfortable with Bill. Maybe you need to sort things out. The longer you stay in Tom's arms, the more you realized that you were in the right place. That you belong to Tom.

Weeks passed by and your feelings for Tom grows deeper and he never missed a chance to show you that he loves you. So you finally decided that it is time to talk to Bill.

"Hey, I've missed you." Bill said pulling you into his arms and it feels different from how you feel with Tom.

"I've missed you too." You said.

"So are you ready for fun full day?" He said and you can tell that he was genuinely happy to see you.

"Of course." You excitedly answered trying your best to sounds believable.

|End of Part XXII|

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