Part XVI

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Tom decided to stay in your room and he looks comfortable. Seeing that he was taking all the space of your bed and your duvet was wrapped around him.

"Why your bed feels so much comfortable than mine?" He asked with his rough voice.

"Maybe because I do change my sheets." You said letting out a soft laugh.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny." Tom said watching you as you remove your make up since your date is canceled "I like it when you don't have your make up on." He blurted out "Shit! Did I said that out loud?" He said to himself.

"Thanks but you were just saying that because you are my friend." You said removing your lipstick.

"I mean it." He sincerely respond "you don't need to put on too much make up and impress me. I mean you're already beautiful."

This made you looked at him, you sighed "Tom, I think your fever is getting into your head. You are saying random stuffs." You said sitting next to him and placing a hand on his forehead "Yes, your still burning. I'll just get you something to eat then you need to take your medicine and I have to check if Harrison is still alive."

"Hurry up, I don't want to miss you." Tom said making you palmed his head "ouch!" He cried.

"Are you really this clingy when you're sick?" You asked laughing at his reaction.

"But you don't need to do that!" He said holding his abused forehead.

"Alright, I'm sorry. Don't be such a baby." You respond.

"You have to kiss it for it to feel better." He said pouting. Couldn't resist how cute Tom was you leaned in and kissed him in the forehead.

"There you go. Now stop whining." You said patting him in the cheeks before you left.

Tom was left dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that you actually kissed him and holding the cheek you patted, his lips formed into a smile. Tom felt butterflies in his stomach and he couldn't stop grinning. He was so happy the his fever was long forgotten.

"You look like a teenager girl, day dreaming about their crush." Harrison said walking in the room.

"Shut up." Tom tried to sounds annoyed but failed. He was just that happy "how's your stomach?"

"I feel so drained!" Harrison answered jumping in the bed "and you?"

"I'm good." He answered with a smile.

"Do I need to know something?" Harrison asked eyeing his friend.

"Harrison! Get out of my bed!" You exclaimed entering your room "remove your butt on my bed."

"That is mean. My butt is clean and soft as a baby's cheek." Harrison rebutted.

"Just don't seat in my bed." You added.

"Fine! I'll sit here instead." He said slacking in the chair beside your bed "Happy?"

"Yes, thank you." You said smiling at him "and you young man." Looking at Tom "you need to rest."

"Yes, ma'am." Tom said giving you a lazy salute.

You three stayed at home the entire day. It was almost sunset, Tom was still in your room and you were sitting next to his sleeping figure. Looking at him, he looks so peaceful that you couldn't help but to smile. Laying beside him, you let your eyelids close and drifted off to sleep.

|Ens of Part XVI|

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