14 | Double - Taeminkook

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Excerpt from VMinKook | Desparate by SarahBear1013 on Ao3 (Archive of our own).

Everyone is kind of a switch but-

Top! Jimin (in this smut only ;) )
Switch! Taehyung, Jungkook

this smut contains:
- double penetration
- kind of overstimulation
- unprotected sex
- threesome
- shamelessness
and scrumptious gay smut

Enjoy ;)

Jimin was innocently having lunch with his parents, laughing and catching up with the two people he loved most in the world, when he received a text from one of his boyfriends, Taehyung. It was a picture of his and Jungkook's hard cocks right next to each other, and Taehyung had his large hand wrapped around them both, with a caption saying "Come home now~" Jimin instantly felt his own cock hardening in his pants, and he quickly texted back "Wait for me" and turned his attention back to his parents. They talked and laughed for another half an hour before Mrs. Park got a call from a member of her bowling league reminding them about the tournament they had that night, so, after showering love and kisses on their son, they left, leaving Jimin free to rush home to his boyfriends.

He drives home as fast as he can without breaking any speeding laws, and when he's ten minutes away, he uses voice to text to send "Give me something naughty to watch when I get there. Be home in ten." The last leg of the drive home is through the suburbs, so he takes it slow, groaning as his erection pushes against his boxers and rubs the fabric, creating a delicious but agonizing friction. He arrives home exactly ten minutes after sending his last text, and as soon as he walks into the house and shuts and locks the door, he kicks off his shoes and sheds his clothing until he's left completely naked as he reaches the doorway to his bedroom.

He groans appreciatively at the sight in front of him. Taehyung is sitting on the edge of the bed, eyes closed and head thrown back, as his fists are tangled in Jungkook's hair and he's fucking into the boy's mouth, with Jungkook making lewd wet noises as he lazily jacks off his own cock. "Get in here Jimin," Taehyung murmurs as he tosses Jimin a bottle of lube, roughly pulls Jungkook's head away and stands up. "You, get your mouth back on me." Turning to Jimin, he says, "And you, fuck my ass. No prep. I need it today." He moans low and loud as Jungkook engulfs his cock again, and Jimin doesn't need to be told twice, loving Taehyung's desperate tone. He lubes up his achingly hard cock, moaning at the warming sensation the lube gives him as he grabs Taehyung's hips and pushes in without warning.

"Fuck you're so tight Tae," Jimin moans as he thrusts slowly, letting the younger get used to the feeling. Taehyung demands that he go faster, and Jimin is happy to oblige as he snaps his hips at an impossible speed, causing Taehyung to jolt forward and his cock to hit the back of Jungkook's throat repeatedly, making him gag and choke. Jimin's fingers grip Taehyung's hips bruisingly tight as he tilts his hips up just a bit, knowing he's found his prostate by the way the younger tenses up and emits a low growl.

"Right there baby, right fucking there, fuck!" He resumes fucking into Jungkook's mouth, and with a loud groan, his cum shoots down the youngest's throat, which makes him clench around Jimin. He picks up the pace with his thrusts, ignoring Taehyung's protests that he's too sensitive, and soon he finds his release as well, shallowly pumping his hips a few more times to ride out his high. He relinquishes his hold on Taehyung, who wobbles over to the bed before collapsing onto it with a satiated sigh.

"Hyungs..." Jungkook whimpers as he looks between the two older boys. "I didn't get to cum yet..."

"Oh poor baby," Jimin says mockingly. "Should I help you?" Seeing Jungkook nod vigorously, he smirks, "What are you supposed to say to get what you want?" Jimin loves topping Jungkook because it's so rare, and the thought of fucking him into the mattress or into the floor keeps his cock from going soft.

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