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It's ya boi ... Skinny penis
@BangtanScout94 (thank you for requesting)

Top! V (alpha), Jungkook (human)
Bottom! Jimin (omega)

⚠️Warning ⚠️
this smut contains:
- omega Jimin gets his heat
- ^ that sounds like a porno
- mention of bondage my dudes
- homework and school
- trembling thighs???
- also like master kink cause it's fucking sexy
- missionary sex and cock riding
- also btw, slick is self produced lube from omegas. it comes out their ass/pussy.
and overall gay smut.

It was a particularly happy day, for everyone except Jimin.

"Shit shit shit shit shit sh—"

"Watch your language."

Jimin, who was chewing on his pencil, cocked his head to the side.

"Fuck off Jungcock."

Jungkook, lovingly referred to as Jungcock by Jimin (and Jimin only), was finishing his classwork.

"Hey. That's not very nice, now is it, babe?"

Taehyung, sometimes called V by his friends, was tough and bad boy-ish, totally daddy material. He was chilling, feet up on the desk.

The teacher, Mrs. Flamingo, was teaching a lesson. Her mindless blabbering about her 3rd husband or whatever, was boring everyone out.

Thankfully (and soon enough), the school bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.

Taehyung sighed, grabbing his backpack and beginning on walk away, before turning back around to meet up with his boyfriends.

"Hey... you guys coming back home with me? Cause if not, I'll be waiting," he said with a wink.

Jimin's face flushed before responding, "Sorry, Tae, I can't. I'm going to the library. I have to do research for a project, so I might be here all afternoon."

Jungkook, on the other hand, desperately wanted to go home. But he knew what was best. "I'll stay here with Jimin, I don't want any other alphas or betas marking him."

Taehyung sighed, but he just wanted the best for his mates. "Alright. But just know, I'm waiting with a pair of handcuffs at home."

As Taehyung departed, he winked at them both before striding off confidently.
Jimin laid his head down on the table in the Library. He had finished his research, now all the had to do was finish making the digital presentation.

That wouldn't take too long, and now was a good time to go home.

Luckily it wasn't too dark outside, and it was only about five o'clock.

He twisted his body to face his boyfriend next to him. He gently shook Jungkook's body to wake him up.

"Ngh... huh? Can we finally go home?"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Yes, Jungcock."

The pair chuckled and bantered with one another as they packed up their things, and prepared to walk home.
About halfway home, Jimin felt a small pang in his butt.

He stopped suddenly.

"Jimin? You okay?" Jungkook looked concerned.

"Yeah.. I'm fine." He was not fine.

A few steps after that, and Jimin was getting a boner. About nine steps after that, and Jimin could feel his boxers getting wet.

And about twelve steps after that? Jimin was close to cumming from the way his jeans rubbed against his thighs. But all he did was grin and bear it. They were almost home anyways.

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