Chapter 3: first time on the sea

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A/N Hi. I'm back. I hope you didn't think the last chapter was to long. If you did, please inform me. I'd love it if you could vote, comment and maybe even fan. Anyway, here is the next chapter.

Will and I didn't have a better plan and so that is how we found ourselves under water with a boat over our head, providing a bubble of air, walking on the sea bed towards the Dauntless. At first I had objected because if we were under the water we would get soaked and our shoes would be filled with water and we didn't have a change of clothes. But Will had agreed with Sparrow so I had no choice but to go along with the plan.

"My boots are gonna' be so mouldy after this," I complained. The others ignored me, probably tired of my moaning. It was still a fair way to go to get to the Dauntless and I was freezing. The only good thing was that now I could see the ocean from a whole new angle. The water was murky from where we had stepped but in front of us there were different arrays of coral, miniature fish and sometimes the odd trap.

We walked in silence for five more minuets until Will said, "This is either madness or brilliance." I had to agree with him there. Sparrow didn't really seem that sane to me, but we were making so great progress.

"It's remarkable how often those to traits coincide," Sparrow told Will. After that there was silence. It didn't take long to reach the Dauntless. Once we found the front of the ship Sparrow and Will pushed the boat from over our heads. This might have been fine if I had come from District 4, but I didn't. So once the little bubble of air was gone, I found myself choking on sea water.

I thrashed my arms and legs wildly about, only to find myself loosing energy. I took in another mouthful of water and it burned my throat. My eyes were stinging from the saltiness and everything was blurry. I started to feel faint. Was this how I was going to die? Drowned in the 18th century? This was far worse than dieing in the Games. If I had, I would be remembered. Not here though. No, I didn't belong here.

I felt arms grab me around the waist and I was pulled up into the sunlight, coughing up enormous amounts of water. The grip around my waist lessened and I grabbed onto the front of the ship. I looked over my shoulder to see Sparrow smirking at me. I looked up and saw Will had already started to climb the stern of the ship. He was standing on a balcony, a worried expression on his face.

I looked back to Sparrow, who still looked amused. "Have a bit of trouble in water, love?" he asked me. I glared at him and he chuckled. "Well we'd better get up there, or poor Will might have to fight them all by himself. Though I dare say he might actually get one or two stabs in before being dragged back to jail. What say you?" I ignored him and looked up to where Will was standing. A long piece of rope hung from the balcony and fell in the water.

"Use the rope to climb," yelled Will. I grabbed onto it and slowly worked my way up to where Will stood. It was hard, as I had used up all my energy trying not to drown. I slipped on the rope more then once and by the time I reached Will, I saw that Sparrow had got there before me by just using the gaps and carvings on the boat to climb.

"Clove, are you OK?" Will asked.

"I'm fine. We need to get to the top, right? I asked him.

"Yes, but I'm afraid you won't be able to use the rope again," Will said. Damn. So now I would have to climb up the side of this thing with really cold, numb hands, and then attack the others people already on board. I felt in my jacket for the knife and found it safely tucked into the inner pocket. The other two had already started to climb, Sparrow leading this time. I grabbed onto the ledge above the balcony and started to climb too.

It was much easier then climbing with the rope. Once we had gotten to the top and jumped onto what I had been told was the deck, Sparrow yelled, "Evreyone stay calm! We are taking over the ship!"

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