(5) Hymn: True Compassion

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The Atty's Poem Collection (2012)
By Fox-Trot-9

(5) Hymn: True Compassion

Let the day I was born be destroyed, and the night it was said, 'A boy is born!'
—Job 3:3

Before amazing grace restores
   Belief in just and loving God,
That in the final triumph roars
   Salvation's longest loudest laud;

Before the time can make amends
   With dreamless dreams in soothing night,
In which the tribulation ends
   When you behold the hopeful light;

Before the unforgiving hour
   Begins to ease and fade away,
And all the bitter tears devour
   The poison of the tragic day;

Before the invocations of
   The rosary can stem the grief
Of losing someone that you love
   To circumstance's wailing chief;

Before improving, it gets worse
   Until it gets to be the worst;
So let him cry and let him curse
   And let the man be human first.

(c) Len D.

(To be continued...)

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