(9) Pantoum: Revenge

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The Atty's Poem Collection (2012)
By Fox-Trot-9

(9) Pantoum: Revenge

What goes around comes around.
—Old Saying

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
—The Godfather

A taste of your own medicine.
—American Idiom

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
—William Congreve

What goes around will come around; revenge,
   A dreadful dish best served in meditation,
It's like a lover scorned, who will avenge
   The worst that you have done without causation.

A dreadful dish, best served in meditation,
   Is such a sweet desert that's gone awry,
The worst that you have done without causation
   A feeble ploy to make me sob and sigh.

Is such a sweet desert that's gone awry
   Enough to right the wrong that you committed,
A feeble ploy to make me sob and sigh?
   Indeed, my sweet, I'll have it better fitted

Enough to right the wrong that you committed,
   Until I equal all the pains you've wrought;
Indeed, my sweet, I'll have it better fitted
   For you to know the medicine I've brought.

Until I equal all the pains you've wrought,
   You'll have to wait in ignoramus bliss
For you to know the medicine I've brought,
   Your sly conniving scheme! Remember this!

You'll have to wait in ignoramus bliss.
   It's like a lover scorned, who will avenge
Your sly conniving scheme! Remember this:
   What goes around will come around—revenge!

(c) Len D.

(To be continued...)

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