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Her dragon eggs remained at the bottom of her loaned trunk, under a fabricated false bottom, as she'd left them moons ago. Vaela smiled at the sight of them but quickly hid back and turned to the girls. "Have you gotten ready for the tourney? Dressed? Did you brush your hair?" I sound more like your mother than I think is appropriate but, I suppose, complaining will not change that.

The girls nodded and rushed down the halls to board their litter for the ride to the Hand's Tourney. The Hand's Tourney that the Hand did not want. She followed behind the girls, much slower, with her younger sister at her side. "I think the King will try to joust today," the younger girl made pleasant conversation.

"I expect he'll try. The gods know no man would ever dare hit him, even if he begged." They shared an innocent laugh.

Eddard Stark met them by the litter and the horses. Vaela wanted desperately to ride a horse, it had been so long, but even Ned refused. Instead, she walked on foot while her sister was allowed in the litter. She didn't dare ask why, knowing the man would give her no true answer. Her age, the woman decided as she looked around the procession, she takes up less space than I do.

The woman walked patiently by the litter, listening to her sister and the Stark girls speaking inside. None of it interested her. It wasn't until she heard Sansa start a song about the Long Night that she truly cared to listen. It was a terribly sad song and Vaela had to wonder where the girl had heard it. Even Vaela herself found the song to be new, unknown and terrifying. And she'd been raised on horrifying stories, lived-experiences, about those icen demons.

Vaela and Ynira, per Eddard Stark's request, had been told to sit away from the royal family

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Vaela and Ynira, per Eddard Stark's request, had been told to sit away from the royal family. My personal guards will watch them, he'd sworn. Vaela did not care too much, knowing that she wouldn't be in front of everyone to make a fool of herself. Perhaps Jaime will look my way. She smiled at the thought.

Ynira, seeing her sister's change in demeanor, asked about the smile. "Seduction, dear sister. It's an innocent thing...until it isn't." The younger girl nodded and looked around casually.

"And who is the lucky man?" So long as he isn't another man to marry because I was told to- she shook the thoughts away. So long as he can be of use to me, she corrected herself. Jaime Lannister would very much be of use to her.

"Jaime Lannister." Her words came out barely above a whisper. Over the roaring of the crowds and the drunken King, Vaela was surprised that her sister could hear.

"I've been sitting here for days! Start the damn joust before I piss myself!" The men around the drunken King laughed at his expense and it only angered his Queen further. With an angry look about her, the blonde woman rose from her seat and left. Her guards followed, but Jaime Lannister remained.

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