~ 1: Midnight Friend Request ~

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It was nothing but the girl in a dark room, one with herself and her electronic device. Her black computer reflected a bright light of colors, the female constantly clicking and maneuvering her character with her keyboard.

If I ever date a boy, he has to be able to geek out with me about anime and video games.

"Woo! Nice win guys!" (Y/N) celebrated, reaching for her water bottle only to chug it down. Soon after she finished, she wiped her lips to remove the lingering water on them.

"Why are you celebrating? You were doubting us the whole time." Said a feminine voice, responding to her in a rather snappy tone.

"She kinda carried us though, so you can't really get angry at her. " Said another, his voice was very masculine and calm.

"Or~ You're just taking her side because you both have a thing for each other~" A female with a cheeky, childish voice spoke, adding her unnecessary two cents in the bank.

I think I recently found that someone.

(Y/N) was completely in her own little world, leaned back in her comfortable leather seat with her hands behind her head. She was appreciating the moment of a win with her best friends, letting a yawn slip past her lips as she did. Her eyes took a glance of the time at the bottom right corner of her computer. 'Hm, 12:01.' She thought. Immediately remembering the day, (Y/N) shot up in excitement, squishing words out her mouth.

"Ohmagodohmagod. It's 12:01! It'smoiibirthday!" She shouted, the snappy toned female named Narumi replying.

"Translate that to our language." She demanded, as other female whom called herself Kiriko sighed into her mic. "She said it's her birthday, Naru-chan."

"Ah, right! It is your birthday. Congrats (N/N) and happy birthday!" The male Seijiro said in an obvious happy tone.

"Thank you Seiji. But we all should get to sleep now, I'm glad we got the win tonight." (Y/N) spun around in her chair, hugging her legs close to her chest after putting the force on her leg.

"Aw~ We just started playing~" Said Kiriko.

"Yeah, like 5 hours ago." Narumi replied.

"Don't get all sad, we can play some more BGE after school tomorrow Kiriko. I'll be the first to log off, good night." As usual, Seijiro cheered up Kiriko a bit just before logging off, Narumi being the second to leave.

"I'll be sure to bring your gift tomorrow, see ya ladies!" After Narumi logged off, the next to go was Kiriko. "Same, don't stay up too late (N/N)-chan!"

"Alright, I'll go to sleep as soon as I'm done taking a shower. I'm updating my character's armor, so I have to leave it on. I'm at 58% (Character name is Alys also pronounced as Alice). "Okay, don't freak out if it doesn't work well with your skills. See you (N/N)-chan!"

I wondered how it'll turn out.

And with that, Kiriko was gone, leaving (Y/N) once again alone with her thoughts. The smile that was seemingly stained on her face was soon washed away like washable paint, her lips curling into a frown. 'I wonder, when will be the last time we play together?' (Y/N) thought, standing up and headed to the shower after making a quick stop to her dresser to grab her towel and nightwear.

"Oh, my phone." (Y/N) muttered to herself, headed for her bed to grab her phone. On some occasions she'd sit in a bubble bath tapping away on her phone, leveling up in some games. But since she she was playing the waiting game, it wouldn't hurt to kill some bosses now.

After an hour of sitting in of bathtub of hot water and bubbles doing nothing, (Y/N) walked out with her school-based track suit while drying the sides of her head. "That felt good..~ It feels like my skin is glowing..~" She moaned, her ears twitching at the sound of a notification. It came from her computer, which made her surprised.

"I thought they logged off..."

Sitting down her her seat, (Y/N) went to her private game chat messages, viewing what the stranger sent.

Tortured Touma: (Report player): Hello, Alys. I love your armor. Could you help level me up?

The female squinted her brown eyes, leaning closer to the screen to read their name.

"Ti... Tortured Touma? Their name is kinda— dark. Wowza..." Shortly after she read the name, (Y/N) received a friend request, dragging her cursor to the green, 'Accept', button. 'It's the same person... Denying it is a bit harsh, and he did compliment my newly made armor...' (Y/N) then found herself grinning with a click, typing back to him.

Alys: Thanks! I wouldn't mind helping you out, but it can't be tonight. Its late and I have classes tomorrow.

A quick two seconds went past, (Y/N) already receiving yet another message from him. "That was fast..."

Tortured Touma: Alright, no rush. You seem pretty calm messaging me, others would flip out.

Alys: Pfft, Why? Your character is hot and all, but I wouldn't go as far as losing energy over you.

Tortured Touma: xD Guess you haven't heard of me. I usually go by Tau, I just made a new account just because.

"Hm... Tau... Never heard of yo— HOLY SHIT!" (Y/N) quickly switched to another tab, googling up his name. "He's the one who created and mastered the new skills on my character and wields the Legendary HellFire...— amazing!"

It wasn't long before (Y/N) was lost in the pictures and gifs, hearing the notifications from her game go off.

Tortured Touma: ?

Tortured Touma: Hope I didn't scare you off.

Tortured Touma: There is a possibility you fell asleep... My questions can wait.

"Oh, I almost forgot about him." Clicking back to her game, (Y/N) began to type back.

Alys: I'm sorry, I know you are now! You're the infamous Tau who slaughtered gamers after gamers with the sword you created! Legendary HellFire!

Alys: I'm surprised you're speaking and wanting to play with a level 346 like me~

Tortured Touma: I just chuckled there, I'm not sure if you're bragging or not. But you obviously have lots of experience, and you seem interesting to play with.

Alys: >\\\< I'm flattered. And going back to what you said earlier, what questions?

Tortured Touma: Ah, normal questions. Like... What's the name of the swords you use and... What's your number?

"Pfft." (Y/N) covered her mouth to prevent any giggling from letting out, her shoulders quaking from the laughter. 'What a bad way of asking for someone's number..'

Alys: I'm not giving it to you just yet, I'd like to know you better. Nice try though~

Tortured Touma: Hm. What do you want to know about me exactly?

Alys: Uh... Oh! What's your irl gamer tag?

Tortured Touma: Do you mean... my name? Wow, you're more interesting than I thought!

Alys: Oh, right that! Sorry, I play too many games...

Tortured Touma: It's alright, since you're making me laugh. But I go by Jyugo, Jyugo Irie. I'm 17, a Second year in High school.

Alys: Coolio~ I just turned 17 too! I'm a Second-year too! >wO My name is (F/N)(L/N).

Tortured Touma: I beg to differ, it's very cute. Sounds like a name you'd give a cat though.

Alys: Well, I'll be sure to name my cat after me then~.

(Y/N) found herself staring at her bright screen all night, sending message after message. Not feeling nearly as tired as how she does other nights. Her eyes began to get heavy after a couple hours of typing, her head failing to stay up.

Tortured Touma: Asleep already?

Tortured Touma: Sleep well, let's stalk later.

Accepting it was a mistake.

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