~ 16: I Don't Care. ~

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"Ken... what are you mumbling over there... and why did you—"

As she awoken, her eyes widened, and her face went red. "Wh-Wha!" She shouted abruptly, standing out her chair. "Where's K--" Jyugo risen up the notebook she used as a pillow to cover his face, and moving his index finger over his lips.

With a cute and troublesome some, he shushed her. "Shh..."

(Y/N) saw this and tucked her hair behind her ear, using her other hand to wipe any drool that lingering on the corner of her lips. "(Y/N)! You're usually the quietest person in this class, so why are you acting up now?" Her teacher yelled in question, slamming her book down on the podium.

"Teach! I think she was offering to do the problem for me!" Said a male who was called up not too long after her outburst. The woman standing by the board caressed her chin, then nodded her head. "Ah, I see. Very well then. (Y/N), you may come up here. And since you offered, you get extra credit."

The class began to groan and flip out in regret, laying there heads om their desks. They knew they messed up in two ways; they wanted extra credit, and two, they knew she'd take forever to finish one problem.

(Y/N) gulped and bit down on her lip, glancing at the grinning male who took his seat. 'Really...' She thought, sliding away from her desk. "Y-Yes ma'am..." It was math, her worst subject. But she wasn't alone.

Jyugo rested his book, chuckling in amusement. 'I forgot how fun high school can be.' The woman turned to the brunette, smirking herself. She wanted to see him in demise.

"Kentaro, why don't you come up here as well. You can do number six, next to (Y/N)." Jyugo perked up, shaking his head. "U-Uh, I'm sorry miss... But I don't... Feel very well..." He coughed, holding his stomach.

"I'm not dumb enough to fall for that twice, Kentaro. Come on, get up." He sighed and stood up, marching to the front of the class.

As he took the piece of chalk, he turned around to face the class, spitting out some fiesty words. "Any of you who stares at me or makes fun of me, you're dead."

(Y/N) let out a short, "Pfft-", leaning even closer to the board to make her laughter more discrete than it already was. "What's so funny?" He asked, swiveling back to the board.

"Nothing, nothing at all..." 'I can't tell you you're cute, that's too embarrassing...' She whispered with a thought, taking in a big wisp of air. "Confidence, confidence..."

Jyugo glanced over to her shaking hand, nudging her arm. "Calm down, I'm right here."

"That's true but you and I both kmow that can't stop my nervousness... You don't even know how to solve the problem!" She scolded him, beginning to write nonsense on the board.

He couldn't say anything, because she was right, but he felt as if he needed to. "Hey, (Y/N). I..."

"Quit talking if it isn't related to the equation in front of you!" The teacher shouted after slamming her hand on the desk, making them jump. "Y-Yes ma'am!" They said in unison.

One period felt like two, and two felt like three. Just when he began to wonder where his twin brother was, he received a text from him: Tell the teacher you have to use the bathroom. We can do a little switch-a-roo!

Jyugo stood to his feet, raising his hand. "Miss Teach, I have to use the bathroom. Could I go real quick?"

"Make it quick." She consented, waving for him to hurry. (Y/N) watched him exit the classroom, disappointed. She knew what they were up to, and she couldn't stop it.

Once she was in the clear, (Y/N) stood up herself and raised her hand, staring at her teacher. "Can I go also? I'll make it quick, it's an emergency!"

The woman sighed, giving her permission to leave. "Alright, since you rarely ask. Please hurry."

"Hey, sorry about that. I got you some-" Jyugo assulted him; attacking the collar to his uniform to gain comtrol over his movements, pinning him against the bathroom's door.

Kentaro grunted, dropping the white plastic bag he held delicately in his hand. "Hey, hey! No need to be so scary! I apologized already!"

"Do you think an apology will make up for what you've done? What's the point of policemen if everything could be fixed..." He thrusted him against the door, ready to jolt his fist into his face. "With a stupid, meaningless apology?"

They hadn't gone too far, so (Y/N) made it to the boys' bathroom in no time. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but she couldn't help it! She wanted to say goodbye, at least. 'What's going on? Why does he sound so mad...?'

Kentaro scratched his cheek, glancing away. "Yeah, sorry bro... I really hate school. But if you think about it, it's a win-win! You get to hang out with (Y/N) and relive your high school life, and I got to skip school."

Jyugo gritted his teeth. He was right, but didn't want to admit it. "Whatever. I have to meet with Nao later, so could you walk (Y/N) home?" He asked, pulling off his tie. (Y/N)'s ear pressed against the outside of the door, listening in even more.

"Isn't she still your girlfriend? I thought you broke up with her a long time ago." Kentaro said, picking up the bag he had dropped on the ground.

"No, I haven't, we're still a thing. I'm going to her place, so don't tell (Y/N) any of this." Jyugo stated, tossing his twin his tie. "But... What about (Y/N)? You gonna leave her hangin' like that?" His brother replied. "Maybe it'd be easier if I take her off your han-"

'He's seriously dating Nao? So he's been leading me this entire time...' Shd was heart broken— dumbfounded— but not that much. She was used to all the pain. "Whatever... I don't care." And with that, she walked away.

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