~ 11: Dead ~

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His blade dug into her skin. He twisted it, and dragged the knife up in her chest. The smaller female gagged, coughing blood past his shoulder where she rested her chin. "Hm~ You surprised me." He said, removing his knife from the girl's skin.

He decided to let her fall, wiping off his bloodied weapon. "I thought you'd scream, but I couldn't muster not even a squeak from you." After kicking her side, he crouched, grabbing her hair. He did this to lift up her head, licking his lip.

"Ah, ah, ah. No dying yet, I have to hear your pain. Where else should I drive my knife in?" He waited a while, leaning in to pretend as if she was whispering in his ear. "Ah, as you wish." He then ran the spine of the knife from her legs and stopped at her stomach.

Before he could go any further, his watched ticked. "Oh, play time is over. I must make this quick." He sighed, adjusting his grip on the knife. Finally, he ended her suffering with a impale through her stomach.

The girl's eyes were devoid of any life, if she had life left at all. However, before the male left, he snapped a picture of the dead female laying on the cold concrete in an alley. "Perfect! How pretty. She looks even better dead, though." He smirked, slipping his phone in his pocket.

The knife he used to kill her was placed next to the dead body, removing the gloves he wore to throw it away in a nearby dump.

"(Y/N)," He started, turning around. "Don't be so openly trusting. Even the ones who seem innocent and caring aren't the kind of people you think they are. Be rude and feisty, like how you are with Kiriko."

'Why'd he go and tell me that?'

She stared at her screen, endlessly moving her cursor from the remove friend button, then back on it. "Gah! What should I do! Something doesn't feel too right about all this..." She muttered, sighing into her mic.


Someone had entered the guild and joined the voice channel. Immediately, (Y/N) clicked out, hoping it wasn't him. "Hey." He spoke. Even though he was logged in as him, it was another person on the other end. "...Ken? Why are you on Jyugo's account?"

"No reason, just wanted to talk to you since I can't go see you right now. I'm holding down the fort, and studying at the same time." He explained, tossing what sounded like a chip in his mouth.

"Soo, shouldn't you be doing that instead? I don't wanna distract you or anything. Plus, Jyugo and I are serious about this game. So ruining his stats isn't very smart, Ken." (Y/N) told him with a yawn, moving her cursor over the 'kick' button. "I'm going to kick you now."

He choked, adjusting the mic. "Woah, woah, woah. Don't you want to talk to your best friend for a while?" He asked, typing a, "<3" in chat. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "What am I going to do with you..." She sighed. "Nothing, 'cause you love me more than Jyugo, admit it."

His confidence and pride was blinding, but he probably already knew that.

"I-I don't like Jyugo, for one. And two, I don't love or like you either so please leave." She told him, preparing herself mentally before she kicked him. "What about me?" Said someone on Kentaro's end, it sounded as if he was directly behind him.

"Oh, you're home. How was your-" It went quiet. She wondered what had happened since the mic had cut out. "Hello? Ken? I'm leaving now, so don't try to stop me!"

She waited for a response, but still didn't get one. "Jyugo must be upset... I guess I should take care of some errands."

Despite the sun nearly setting, (Y/N) slipped on her shoes and thrown on a random jacket after leaving the server. "Sorry, for the long-" Jyugo stared at his monitor, seeing only his own character in the guild. "Ah... Wonder where she went..."

"Mom! I'm going to go take care of those errands now!" (Y/N) said, nearing the door, listening to her mother's response. "Alright, come back in an hour, dinner will be ready." "Yes ma'am! I'll be back before you know it!" She smiled, closing the door behind her.

"Okay... So what first." (Y/N) pulled out her phone, glancing at the list her mom had sent some time ago. "Guess I'll head to the grocery store first... Wonder if there's a shortcut I can take." Though she hasn't been out for very long, the couch potato felt tired.

That was until bright blue and red flashes caught her eye. "Whoa, that's a huge crowd... If the police are involved, I shouldn't get myself caught into that mess." Avoiding situations was her specialty, only if she could decide.

(Y/N) went on her way. Unfortunately, her mind was still set on that shortcut through the alleyway, where a dead body laid. She began to skip and hum, proud of her decision. Though her happy mood was killed once she saw something red.

"What is that? Did something die in here? Probably a cat again..." (Y/N) muttered, cautiously stepping past the liquid. But it never ended.

"I can barely se--" The young girl tripped, and was able to remain on her feet, sighing in relief. "This is really starting to creep me..." Her eyes darted to the pink hair below her feet, gulping down some saliva. She was unable to see their face, but from the back, she was able to identify her gender.

"This... Is just a coincidence... This isn't who I think it is, right?" (Y/N) fought the urge to turn the body, but still gave in.

'Just a peek...' She thought, crouching down beside the female. She held her breath in anticipation, using her index finger to turn her head just slightly. Her heart stopped, and her eyes widened.

(Y/N) screamed, landing in her dead best friend's blood. "K-Kiriko?! Why is she..." Someone knelt down behind her, covering her eyes from behind.

"Don't move."

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