~ 14: Answer me. ~

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'What's this...? It feels soft and hard at the same time...' She snuggled even closer, drooling as she dreamt.

He didn't expect this, and now he couldn't escape her clutches. For him, this was lucky day, and his one and only opportunity to place a kiss on her sleeping face-- anywhere he wanted.

That... could've been the case anyway. All he did was stare. And soon enough, (Y/N) awoken, staring in back in the eye.

Jyugo quickly reacted and closed his eyes. She blinked while laying there quietly before speaking. "You're awake, aren't you?"

"Yes." He replied in a dull tone. (Y/N)  closed her eyes and inhaled, hoping he'd deny her next question. "I dragged you in my bed, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." The pink in her cheeks weren't all that visible, but the sheepish look on her face was. Once again, (Y/N) opened her eyes to see him gazing, captivated. Despite only being able to see one of his red jems, she could tell they were full of lust.

"Wait..." She shot up, pulling the blanket covering her away. "What time is it?"

"Probably... 7:50 now." He yawned, forcing himself out of bed as well. "Why didn't you wake me up!? Gosh, I have to wash your clothes and--"

"I didn't want to wake you, you were sleeping so peacefully." He smirked. However, that was a lie. He crawled into her bed to stop her from falling, but he ended up having to retrain her for his own safety. "And I'll be fine, I could text Ken to bring me another outfit."

"Okay, sounds good! Now let me get changed." Jyugo nodded and just stood there, watching her begin to remove her shirt.

"Are you... Going to get out? That'd be nice." (Y/N) vocalized, catching him jump and shake his head. "Sorry, I'll be waiting for you downstairs..."

"'Kay." Soon after getting fit into her uniform, (Y/N) skipped down her stairs and hopped in the seat of her chair. "Better hurry up and eat, you two are already running late~" Her mom said, setting a glass of orange juice on table next to her plate. "I know, that's why I'll take my time." (Y/N) responded, taking a bite into her crisp toast of bread.

"Alright then, guess I'm leaving first." Her eyes lowered to his plate, noticing nothing was on it, as if it was completely cleaned. "Huh?" (Y/N) muffled into her bread, standing up. "I-I'll gwo tu den!"

"You should probably finish eating. And also, I don't go to school, remember? We walk in separate directions." He said, picking up his phone.

Nearly choking from his words, the female took a heavy gulp, seizing her bag. "Oh, right! I forgot. At least walk with me there? It's just for today." He turned around to hold open the door, but backed away some, surprised to see her pouting. Of course, he'd walk her to school. He just wanted to sound mean.

"Fine, fine... Hurry up. I'll make up an excuse for you on the way there." (Y/N) lifted her balled up fist, celebrating with a, "Yes!" 

And just their luck, they arrived when the bell rang. Students were all crowding the halls rushing to get to their classes, and some were gathered outside hanging out.

"Crap! I could've made it!" In frustration, (Y/N) ruffled her hair, and began to walk off. That was until Jyugo grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Let me go first, I don't want you knocking into anyone." He began to lead the way, storming down the hallway.

The aura they gave off was intense-- almost unrecognizable. "What's wrong?" (Y/N) asked, tilting her head to see the expression on his face. He wasn't frowning nor smiling,

"Nothing, just... Keep walking, hurry up." His grip on her wrist tightened, and his pace quickened. "W-Wait, Jyugo! You're walking to fast!"

Then, there was a gasp directly behind them.

"Oh my gosh! It's Jyugo! But he's with a girl!" After that shout, it was inevitable for them to escape the bunch of people running towards them, so he didn't run. "Don't speak," He started. It was a whisper that was barely audible, but (Y/N) still managed to hear him. "Don't speak, no matter what. Got it?"

"But why--"

"Why are you with her?" Inquired a masculine voice in the crowd. They'd snap pictures as he inched closer, pushing himself out the bundle. "Why are you with her?" Kentaro repeated. Jyugo stared at him in silence, pushing (Y/N) into her classroom. "Stay here and wait, I won't leave I promise." 

"Don't ignore me. Why are you with her?" He repeated, tossing the outfit Jyugo requested through a text message. "Why did you ask for those clothes huh? Don't tell me you've dragged her into your BS."

 He had to think of something to say, and quick before his little fans got fidgety. "I've wore these clothes yesterday, obviously." He replied colorlessly, and was bold enough to remove his leather coat and shirt in front of everyone. (Y/N), peeking into the hallway through the door's window, was confused, wondering why the atmosphere had changed. 'Why's he so cold to his own brother...'

"Why didn't you come home last night, brother? Don't tell me you're cheating on your girlfriend with one of my friends." Kentaro smirked and crossed his arms, his twin brother clenched his fists.  

"What? Jyugo's cheating on Nao with that girl...? She's not even that cute." One of the girls gossiped. (Y/N) jumped, it was obvious they were talking about her. 'Oh god, what did I get myself into!' She thought, backing away from the door.

The girls seen this, and began to walk towards the girl to bomb her questions. Jyugo stepped in their way, taking the phone of the girl. The hair covering his eyes were devoid of hesitation as well as evil; and his right eye that was usually covered by his brown hair flared a bit, cracking the phone's screen with brute force.

"Get. Lost." He demanded. "All of you, leave now before I break your necks." Not only the girl was intimidated by his stare, others were also once he turned his head.

Everyone began to scurry away, fangirling as they retreated. "Even when he's mean, he's super hot!"

His brother, on the other hand, was still smirking, standing across from him in the now vacant hallway. "So, answer me."

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