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"How did I get here? W-What happened? What am I supposed to do now?" Words rumbled through our hero's head as the gates to his future opened with a blinding light, unaware of what to do next.

Sandra, a widowed single mother whose right now laying in a hospital bed screaming her lungs out as she was giving birth to the last essence of her husband's soul their children.

She found out about her pregnancy exactly one month after he passed away unexpectedly in a terrorist attack that led to the demise of many soldiers one of which was him... the love of her life.

Time has passed, every second feels like a decade, every minute feels like an eternity of pain, and not just because she was letting two small humans out of her body, but also because she was doing it all alone.

The only thing that would have made this easier would have been her husband, but now that he's gone she has to face every problem, every single obstacle, all alone by herself.

"Push just a little more," the sound of the doctor could barely be heard over the sound of her screams and sobs.

"I see the head!" One of the nurses pointed out

Machines beeping all around them
A cry

"Here we go," one of the nurses said
The sound of the sharp scissors cutting the one physically link between the mother and her first baby cut the silence that took over the room for a couple of seconds.

Then again
More pushing
More pain
More screams and sobs
And yet another cry.

"We're all done here," the doctor said, you could tell he was smiling by the motion of his eyes over the mask covering his face.

Two nurses came to Sandra with two small boys covered in white blankets

"Two boys," one of the nurses said as she handed Sandra her babies, left and right, she held what's now a part of her soul as well as his

A smile made it's way to her face

"Max." she looked at the one to her right.
"And Sky." she looked at the one to her left.
"Max and Sky Adams." She looked up to the nurses repeating their names.

The nurses nodded as they took the babies away to clean, check up on them and give them some real clothes.

"Congratulations," The doctor said, as the nurses walked out of the room.

"Thank you," Sandra said with a smile on her face, and tears filling her eyes.

"I'll check up on them myself, right now you need to rest in your room and get some rest," a slight pause.
"Sometime later from now, we'll give you the babies to feed them." He said as he walked away.

An hour later, Sandra is sleeping in her room exhausted in a way she never imagined, nurses going back and forth the corridors checking up on the patients.

The doctor is in his office, with both babies in cribs behind him.
"You're perfect," the doctor moved out towards the crib to the right... Max's crib

"You're the exactly the kind of baby I needed for my experiment." His eyes grew wider as he picked up the baby and walked out of the room, leaving two cribs, one empty and the other with a newborn sleeping peacefully not realizing that he just lost someone that could have been the one person he could rely on in life.

The doctor walked with the baby in his hand towards a dark distant room, he slowly placed his hand on the cold doorknob and gently pushed it down. He walked inside the room with the baby in his hand, shut the door and took a glance at the room he was in, admiring his handy work.
It was a small room, simple, an operating table to the right, a desk to the left and a few operating equipments, just the main kit nothing too big, nothing that could be noticed if it disappeared, but the wall right upfront him, that was the one that was far far from simple, a circular machine that looked like it's out of a spaceship was in there, dimmed lights, big cables all around connected to a small computer framed to the wall.

The doctor made his way towards the computer and pressed a couple of buttons, the machine started vibrating, lights that were dim are now bright enough to light up the distant room in the so-called "abandoned area" in the hospital, a force of electricity bolted through the circler frame of the machine slowly forming a slightly colourful void of power that could only be described as a vortex.

The doctor looked proud, you could see it in his eyes, in his grin and in his voice as he whispered "finally,"

"I cracked the code... I made it." He slowly walked towards the vortex not bothered by the slight pulling power it had, but Max was... the little towel he was covered with was slowly being pulled into the vortex, which woke him, the loudness of the electricity from the cables scared the poor baby causing him to scream.

"People from the past will write about this... and I'll know once you are there, I'll get you back to your mother, don't worry," he said without flinching.

He placed the baby on a small, heavy stand right in front of the vortex; he walked to his keyboard and pressed a couple of buttons which raised the vortex's pull... eventually pulling Max into it.


Why am I writing in caps 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

The Dimentions Legend: Beyond the known (Re-writing old Chapters) Where stories live. Discover now