The Trails

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Moments after Tyler blew Lucy far far away, everyone started walking towards chamber Tyler, Sky and Max were ahead of everyone, Zack and James behind them while Jen and Sam were standing far from the rest of the team.

"Looks like she hurt you pretty bad," Jen said walking beside Sam.

"I was under some weird magic, my powers stopped working and I was pretty much paralyzed," he said then looked at Jen who was giving him a questioning look.

"No Jen, she didn't hurt me at all," he said sarcastically.

"Man, that spell taught you Sarcasm," she said with a smile on her face, he could do nothing but smile as he looked at the angle by his side happier than she ever was.

"Just like when we were kids," he said.

"Yeah, we haven't really laughed like this for a while," she said.

"True that," he said with a smile on his face.

"Y-you know" Sam paused, "what she said wa-"

"Maybe we should talk about it later tonight," she said calmly.

"Yeah, the royal garden?" He asked.

"No, go to our old hangout spot." She said.

~__~ (idk how to properly shift between scenes, so I am doing this Lol)

"No way!" Tyler exclaimed.

"You have five of these kitty-cats, FIVE," he said in disbelieve.

"Yes," Max said.

"Each one of them, took the life of one old power holder," Sky paused.

"Their parents," Max said looking behind him at the team.

"And our dad," Sky continued Max's sentence.

"And my mom," Max said.

"Wait, aren't you guys twins or something," Tyler asked.

"We are," Max said.

"I was raised on earth, Max was raised here," Sky said.

"How did Max end up here in the first place?" Tyler asked.

"Doctor Jason," Sky said.

"Not gonna lie, he is a mess," Tyler said.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Sky said.

Sky, Max and Tyler continued walking towards the doors of the chamber with the rest of the team behind them. Zack as quiet as always, James throwing jokes to make Zack laugh and of course Zack didn't, even though James could swear he saw him smile. Sam and Jen continued walking with awkward silence taking control of the situation.

"So, let's get back to what we were actually doing," Zack said walking in the chamber.

"Yeah, main powers," James said.

"I found some trails that we need to do," Jen said.

"Say em" Sky said.

"Ok..." Jen said awkwardly.

"First of, we need to free, quote, "our inner souls" that will get us halfway through getting the ultimate power" she continued with a questioning look on her face

"Ok... I have no idea what this means" she said.

"Weird flex," Tyler said.

"It is talking about what we all accomplished, we all have half of our main powers," Max said.

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