In The Kingdom

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"Gellen we MUST do something" Sky said

"Yeah what can we do? We can't attack after what happend between you and all the power holders back there" Gellen replied

"Good thing you brought this subject up... why the HELL didn't you tell me or Max about our father?"

"You? When could I tell you Or Max... I haven't had direct connection with your brother, only once and that one time was when he came to tell me he had powers, and then when I planned to tell him I saw a vision of the orb that gave YOU powers" Gellen said

"I didn't want to hide that... I tried my best not to, but I have a whole Kingdom to defend and for years I couldn't find the right time to tell him, I wasn't sure about Jacob being your father, not before I saw Max with his powers." Gellen continude

"I am going to save him... Alone, the team we are all seperated now it has to be me, he can't defeat an army on his own" Sky said

"Can you?" Gellen asked, Sky couldn't reply to Gellen's question, he didn't know what to say

"What makes you so sure he can't defeat an army alone? Both of you are still discovering your abilities, if I wasn't sure he can get out I would have gone on my own and you know very well I can do it, but I am sure he will get out, and I know how Orin thinks, Max still has time to get out alive, and if they know about what happend and I know they do they will be here, they will want to fight us while we are weak... That is what Orin is thinking, I need you, here now more than I ever needed any of the other power holders" Gellen said

And as soon as he finnished his sentience they heard screams outside


Women running and screaming with thier babies in thier hands, Men trying to make sure thier families are safe and sound before they hide as well...

Sky ran outside looked at the Kingdom border... they were there, Orin, Carly, Lucy, Wanda, Sarah and a whole army of humans and creature... Sky didn't know what these are, they looked Demonic, black horns, bloody red fangs and completely white eyes

"Hello, Legend, you know your brother is such a fighter, damn he is infact brave" Orin

"What have you done to him!" Sky exiclamed

"Wow calm dowm buddy... I have and army here you don't want the Lahars to rip you apart, do you?" Orin said pointing at the demonic creatures

Sky closed his green eyes and opened them... they were blue, bright blue, he stretched his hand with an open palm at one of the Lahars, and then closed it causing the Lahar to explode!

"My powers are air powers, my powers are surrounding you, all of you, I smashed his lungs and then his entire body! That will be what will happen to you if you don't leave now, AND bring my brother NOW"

"Oh you are savage aren't you, why didn't you kill a human? There are humans here you can see them... you are a good guy, but Lahars I have more than enough of these demons... Carly do it " Orin said and Carly looked straight at the Lahars and cracked the the ground under a dozen of them and closed it again

"See, I don't care about these" Orin said Sarcastically

"What is that Over there!" Sky said pointing behind Orin causing everyone to look  behind Orin... and when they looked back at Sky he was standing on a tornado with his eyes completly blue and air orbs in his hand

"You are STUPID! I can't believe you fell for this like for real!" Sky said and stretched his hands infront of him causing tornados to come out of his hands Knocking the humans and Lahars out! And making team claws fall on their knees... the place was filled with dust! Sky could see nothing around him, Sky  landed on the ground and waited for the dust to fade away...

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