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Isn't it ironic how erotic
it is to watch them in thongs?
Had me thinking about that
ass after I'm gone.

Group dances are always a crowd pleaser because who doesn't love girl on girl action especially when there's nine of them in a restricted amount of clothing.

Bambi is doing well, the way her hips sway reminds me of me when I first joined and I like it, offering her a little help with my hands upon her waist which sent the crowds absolutely crazy.

We are raining in money it's crazy I hadn't been this shocked by a Saturday night crowd in years.

Even through the masses of sweaty bodies and alcohol driven people I am still drawn to the two gods sat front row with their eyes fixated upon just me.

I make a challenge with myself to try and get them as turned on as possible and sure enough by the end of our group strip both of them had firm holds upon their crotches.

ACT2 goes by in a flash and by the end of the night I am ready to get as pissed as humanely possible because after equally sharing our profits we had collectively done better than the past two weekends combined. That caused for celebration.

"Cherry you sexy mother fucker" shouts Crystal slapping her hand upon my ass as we decide to exit through the blue fog and spend our last few hours with the rest of the customers.

"Now now, you know we only do things when we're home" I giggle and she laughs back, noticing that the group of men besides us had heard the whole conversation and were probably about to go home and jack off to that very thought

"What a coincidence seeing you here" breathes Grayson into my ear pulling my arm round dominantly to face his taller figure. I allow him to pull me closer to him as I inhale his cologne. Any other customer and I would've already beaten their asses but not him, or his brother for that matter.

"I was wondering whether my two biggest fans were going to stay behind and wait for me" I hiss back towards his face. I notice that he has a singular earring hanging from one ear so I reach over and suck upon the other lobe making him visibly shiver.

"Please do introduce me" Crystal says confidently leaning against the stage pressing her breasts outwards to show off her heavenly figure.

"This is Ethan and Grayson" I smile as she leans forward to innocently shake their hands which they happily return. But both boys are back occupied by me in seconds and I can't help but feel satisfied

"There's been another fight in toilet 2" Brandy shouts over towards me and Crystal, asking for assistance

"I've got it" I reply rushing towards the toilets where a drunken man is swinging a beer bottle round his head like a lunatic at another man who was doing the exact same thing

"Move out the way, sweet thang" hiccups one of the men but Im not letting him get away with it that easily. I duck from the flying glass bottle and tackle him towards the cubicle where he topples backwards and safely lands upon the toilet seat

"I think it's time you go home" I calm towards the now hysterical man

"Don't tell me what to do, whore"

Although Im used to it, every time I hear someone call me that or something similar there's a sharp pain in my heart and I can't help but feel sick.

"Get the fuck out" I manage to shout with tears prickling my eyes.

It was strange, I hadn't reacted like this about someone calling me such a variation of the same word in all my years.

Brandy stays back, knowing that the policies about being nice was allowed to be pushed to the side when customers crossed the line.

"Now Cmon you little slut, why don't we have fun while you're here" he slurs and I step backwards in horror. I was used to it, yes, didn't mean it didn't scare me every time

"Get your filthy hands off of me" i screech slapping his hands from my waist and he does but returns them to the cubicle door, slamming it behind me so I had no escape

"I've seen you up there I know you want me" he growls making me gulp down the sick rising up my throat. Im lucky enough to know that Brandy has gone for help it was just how long she would be, and how long i'd last.

The drunk man grips so harshly upon my wrists that i feel them begin to bruise underneath his grip. He tries to pucker his lips but I squirm away in the little space that I have.

"Get off of me" I shout ready to bring my knee towards his crotch when the door bursts open, slamming it back into the mans forehead making him topple backwards again. Unconscious.

"Are you okay?" Asks a voice and I recognise it as Grayson's but it's Ethan that has hold of me tightly against his chest. I don't usually like to be protected but I don't care currently.

Ethan let's go of me and i stumble towards Grayson who inspects my wrists as his brother grabs upon the mans shirt.

"D-don't hurt him" I stutter and both the twins look at me like I'm mad but he respects my wishes and instead drags him though the parting in the club and drops him upon the door step. I can hear shouting but I can't understand it.

"You good?" Asks Kale coming up from behind the rest of the girls who are huddled in horror

"I'm fine" I respond rubbing my wrists further as Ethan returns from outside, breathing heavily.

"Maybe you should go home" Calum suggests and seen as he was my boss I knew better than to argue with him. I just hope that he doesn't think that I've done something wrong.

I shoot the girls an apologetic look,

"I'll see you tomorrow" I call and both the twins follow me towards the door grabbing their coats as they pass their original seats.

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