Girl I've got a sweet
tooth, Ain't nothin' sweeter
than you.Wednesday rolls round really quickly and the group chat is very much alive. We are meeting in the mall to go to one of the shops to buy a dress for Calum's birthday party this weekend.
We all earn quite a lot even if we only work weekends so we were excited to splash the cash.
On the way to the mall all I can think about is what James had said about him knowing the twins. I wonder what he meant by it being linked to his channel.
From what I knew, all he did was upload videos of his make up trials and I was sure that us girls had all been on there.
But what could two boys like Ethan and Grayson be doing on his channel? Maybe he put make up on them too, I felt like that would be hella entertaining to watch.
Truthfully he had sparked an excitement in me to want to watch his videos but I wasn't lying, I was way too busy working out and practicing for me to have time to chill never mind watch his 30 minute videos.
When we get to the mall I notice that Bambi is being extremely awkward and I guess it's because she had openly expressed how much of a fan girl she was for James.
"Hey" I call taking some of the girls in for a hug. Its weird being with them in basic clothes and even being in public as a group doesn't feel right.
I take James into a welcoming hug and he brings his lip to my ear
"Your boys are in the Gucci store. Right, left, left again and it's straight forward. You can't miss it" he whispers and I pull away from him with the biggest grin as he gives me a wink "you're lucky I'm not keeping them for myself"
I grab onto Bambi's wrist pulling her through the crowd, pushing past multiple people who shout or moan at me for bashing into them.
I pause outside the shop to calm myself and to make it look like I hadn't come here purposefully.
This shop always stuns me and now as I glance through the glass window and see the two gods, even more so.
"You brought me to see the Dolan twins and I look like THIS!" Bambi cries fiddling with her hair to make it look nicer. The Dolan twins, huh, is that what they go by?
I turn to the young girl and pull the scrunchie out from her hair and put it on my wrist allowing it to flow down her shoulders
"Act natural, okay?"
She nods and follows me in towards the belts which is at the opposite side of the shop to the boys.
She slowly reaches out to caress one of the bulky belts with an ugly animal on, we couldn't work out what animal it was but it looks expensive
"Weird flex but okay" she giggles and I burst with laughter. She was actually pretty fun, in fact she reminded me of Millie my best friend outside of work.
One of the employees coughs pretty loudly,
"Excuse me can you stop being disruptive" the kill joy says raising his voice so that we could hear him from behind the cash register.
A few people turn to look in the direction of the drama, including the twins but they don't get a good enough look to know that it's us.
"Can you even afford anything in here?" The man states again and I look at Bambi with the widest eyes. I know he wasn't trying to tell us that we looked poor.
The rest of the store turns to the rude man with jaws hanging open. Including the Dolan twins who start to aggressively nudge each other to get the others attention. They had definitely seen us now.
I was used to this especially when working at SIN CITY but I wasn't when I was just being a normal girl walking round the store with my best friend. I glance at Bambi, I guess she isn't used to be being discriminated against out in public
"Actually, Sir, I could buy the whole shop" I say sarcastically. It was a lie, I couldn't buy three items without getting into debt, but he didn't need to know that.
"And we won't be spending our money here" Bambi hisses grabbing against my wrist, she thought I was going to swing at this employee and she wasn't exactly wrong.
We exit the shop and like expected the two twins began to bound out the shop to stop us. Ethan stops me from walking away by gripping my shoulder in his hand and spinning me round with my waist with the other hand.
"Hi" smirks Ethan looking down at my small figure
"We didn't think we'd be seeing you till the weekend so this is a pleasant surprise" Grayson says with a cheeky smile before his eyes flutter to the girl on my left
"Boys, this is Bambi" I introduce and she snaps out of her day dream to vigorously shake both of their hands
"Hi, hi, big fan" she says hurriedly and the boys let out a deep laugh causing my stomach to do flips
"We could say the same to you" smiles Ethan and Bambi's face lights up, she's so fucking cute but it is so obvious how much she adores them
"James invited us to spend the day with him tomorrow and I think that means coming to one of your rehearsals" Grayson says biting down upon his lip and leaning his arm across Ethan's shoulders
"Oh that's fun!" Bambi squeals and my lips twitch upward but my eyes are still focused on the boys in front of me.
Of course James had lured them in to watch us dance. Of fucking course. I must say he does make quite the wingman
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" I grin and they nod their head but before I can leave I'm stopped by Grayson's strong hand
"I heard you got TPed"
Oh of course James has told them that too, what were they? Best friends?
"If you find out who did it, call us" he growls with his eyes narrowed and pinned against my lips. My breath hitches and I bite down on my bottom lip, I quickly nod before scurrying off.
I feel like I can't breathe.
Well that was fucking hot.

Fanfiction𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 SIN CITY STRIP CLUB Ltd, in the centre of LA, open only on weekends, is both Ethan and Grayson's guilty pleasure and they just cannot seem to pull themselves away. They know why, it's because she's got a hold on them. The girl...