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Three million cash,
call me Rain Man
Money like a shower,
that's my rain dance.

Bambi invites us round to her house on Tuesday to watch James' video from the weekend party and I end up getting there earlier than the others

"Are the boys coming?" I ask swinging myself onto her kitchen side, her flat is so weirdly open plan it freaks me out.

"Um no" she replies stirring her iced coffee with an insanely long straw, she offers it me and I take a sip

"So you know you said about not choosing, what did you mean, choosing between what?"

"The Dolan twins" she answers bluntly taking a sip of her coffee. I screw my eyebrows together, how the fuck did she know "Cherry your like my best friend of course I know you well enough to know that you were gonna make a decision like that soon"

A small smile creeps onto my face, it was a little bit of a relief that I had someone to talk to about it

"Okay you little mind reader, who do you think I've chosen" I ask pulling her straw towards me to take a sip as she strokes her chin

"So at first you liked Grayson, he was more open with his feelings. But then you became attracted to Ethan because he seemed to be more quiet, kept himself to himself. More mysterious"

"Okay but how do you know that?" I gasp. She was right but it didn't exactly mean I had chosen any of them, I was still as conflicted as before. There's a doorbell sound that rings through the flat.

Bambi puts her hand on my knee before opening the door and says

"Trust me, you'll know who to choose after today"

I didn't know what that meant but before I could ask there was a chorus of my girls bust through the front door. Trinity is holding a box of fruit for snacks, and Coco is clumsily struggling to carry a hell of a lot of iced smoothies.

We sit down on and around Bambi's bed facing her large tv which is paused on James' face.

"Are we ready?" Bambi asks sipping her iced coffee she had made. She unpauses the video and my eyes completely attach to the video.

"Hi sisters, James Charles here, and welcome back to my YouTube channel"

I watch as Bambi snaps a picture of the screen and sends it to James himself captioning it something like 'I've turned them to the dark side' I giggle and move my eyes back to where James explains what will be happening in the video

"It might be messy, I'm not sure yet because I haven't edited" he laughs "but I wanted to bring you on my little make up journey to show you some of my best friends and what I get up to on a weekend"

I glance around at the girls and they too are intently watching which causes a smile to emerge onto my face. I don't know why we hadn't done this before, especially seen as we had surfaced on his channel previously.

"As you know I do work part time at a local club where my bestest friends EVER work! And you have seen multiple looks that I have done on them, mainly my all time favourite Cherry where I did a dramatic smokey red eye look"

I remember that day vividly. He sat me down on our chair backstage and told me not to be intimidated by the camera and to keep joking around with him. He told me that I had done amazing and that the video was littered with comments about how good of a duo we were.

"And today I will be doing their makeup along with a vlog of the day as we will be attending a birthday party afterwards" he clasps his hands together "and who else to bring along on the journey but my favourite twins"

"Is that where we're meant to come on?" asks one of the boys and James rolls his eyes and there's a jump cut and then both boys are sat either side of him with goofy grins, a side of them I definitely haven't seen

"Before this intro takes too long let's get on with the video" James announces standing up from where he was sat. Grayson does a slide with his hand as if to transition the clips but instead Ethan just laughs at him and clumsily stands up too.

The video skips to backstage and there's a lot of laughter. James is finishing up his look on Bambi and she's telling the story of how she came to watch James' YouTube video.

"I sound DREADFUL" Bambi cringes next to me and the girls giggle.

The camera pans to us all huddled on the sofa and like I had remembered, I was sat on Grayson's lap. James must've cut the part where he fixed up my lipstick, thank god for that. There's then a transition to us all stood in our circle and then Destiny repeats our tradition

"Remember how it goes girls, go on out there and show them what you're made of. The more you shake, the more you rake"



We all look super happy and my heart flutters because I was hit with the realisation that I was truly lucky to be so happy and involved with such beautiful and kind souls.

He kind of filmed some of our dances but only put the PG13 moves in which I was grateful for because I didn't want the whole internet to see me shaking my ass for money.

Not that I was ashamed- shit- just- urgh- nevermind.

There was a clip of us all singing, me with my arm around James neck as we belted the words to Monster by Nicki Minaj and Eminem.

It looks good fun as we bounce around backstage.

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