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We should all disappear right now
Look, you're gettin' all your friends and you're gettin' in the car and you're comin' to the house,
are we clear right now, huh?

"Delivery for our very own miss Cherry" Destiny says jokingly as both me and Bambi step backstage, her hand spreads through the air towards a bouquet of flowers placed neatly on the makeup table

"They were here when we came in" James says with a hyper squeal dancing upon his spot.

I dance towards the flowers, a beautiful array of every red flower ever to be grown. My jaw literally aches from it hanging open so widely.

"Go on then read the note" nudges Crystal as all the girls watch in anticipation. I take the small rectangular note between my fingers

"Out loud" calls Delight from behind the curtain and I let out a puff of air

"To my Babygirl,
I can't wait to see you tonight, honestly it's been two days and I already miss your contagious laugh and beautiful smile. I know flowers are cheesy, but I thought that they were your style when I walked past them and I couldn't not buy them you. I'm so lucky, so blessed, so overwhelmed by how perfect you are.
I love you,
The hottest guy you know,
Gray X"

The girls begin to hoot and clap, Trinity whistles and everyone awe's. I stand in shock looking at the flowers wondering what the fuck got me so lucky to be able to have found the best person on the planet... at a strip club.

"Well I think it was a tease, you both coming here" moans Raven adjusting the glasses on her face

"Yeah because now you're both off for a nice hot meal and the only thing that's hot in this club is the fucking air conditioning" Brandy whines fanning herself with her hands dramatically

"Yeah well I'm fucking nervoussssss" sings Bambi fiddling with her hands in anxiety

"Well you are being introduced to the parents that's kinda a big thing" Coco shrugs and I shoot her a glare and everyone shouts,


"We're trying to make her less stressed not give her heart palpitations, fuck me" I giggle and the girls all huddle round us giving us good luck's and speeches on what to do and what to say.

We both sway through the blue fog and I can tell that Bambi feels just as weird being here in normal clothes, as I do.

The Uber is sat right outside and we slide in and tell the driver the address. Then we anxiously wait.

When the car stops Bambi turns to me and asks me about how her hair looks and if her make up is smudged. I look at her in complete admiration, she truly looks beautiful and my oh my was Ethan lucky.

We climb out the car and head towards the door, ringing the doorbell and taking a few steps back to admire the grand house once again.

Bambi's hand is shaking madly so I slowly slide my hand into hers and give it a reassuring squeeze.

The door swings open and both boys are stood dressed in their smart clothes with their hair perfectly styled. They look good and it kind of makes me breathless.

Ethan steps forward and takes Bambi into a hug

"Look after her, she's nervous" I giggle and send her a smile, Ethan rubs his hand up and down her back muttering something in her ear which makes her giggle.

I turn to Grayson and his eyes sparkle in the light, I was still in awe of him, even after all of this time. I stand on my tip toes and place a kiss firmly on his cheek thanking him for the flowers.

"Boys don't just stand around the door" calls a voice from the kitchen and I watch as Grayson rolls his eyes and places a passionate kiss on my lips before following his brother and my best friend into the kitchen

"Hi Miss Dolan" I say flashing a wide grin, she looks so hard at work- cooking- she barely has any time to look at me "Do you need help with that?" I offer and she jumps at a chance to get me to help, which I kindly accept.

She insists that I call her Lisa and hollers for her husband to stop being lazy and come give me a break which makes me giggle.

He rushes into the kitchen mumbling a quick hello before proceeding to help cook, while Lisa picks up her glass of wine and takes a long hard sip. I feel like saying 'same sis' but she wouldn't understand and I was going to embarrass myself. Oh god Ive been spending too much time with James.

"You haven't even introduced me to your beautiful girls yet" she hums into the glass.

Bambi and I share a knowing look along with a smirk before glancing up at the twins. This was going to be the first time,

"My names Alissa, Al for short" I smile and Lisa nods with a wide smile turning her head to Bambi who speaks confidently,

"My names Emma"

"Oh well what beautiful names" Lisa coos and we bite down on our lips knowing that that was the first time the boys had ever heard them. Strange isn't it, that we both had been dating for weeks and yet they still didn't know.

Grayson brings his chin down onto my shoulder, wrapping both his arms round my waist,

"Yeah what beautiful names" he repeats.

The End

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