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In my city I'm a young god
That pussy kill be so vicious
My god white, he in my pocket
He get me redder than the devil 'til I go nauseous.

I blow a kiss to the crowd and wave towards another Bachelor party where one man brings four fingers to his lips to create the most piercing whistle I have ever heard.

"And that was ACT1 but don't go anywhere because my girls will be back in 30 minutes" Kale announces into the microphone as I dance through the diamanté's.

Grayson spots me and chews down on his lip with excitement as the rest of the girls swim through the blue fog into the mingling customers

"You mesmerise me every fucking time Babygirl" he growls pulling me in with my waist making my stomach turn and my mouth turn dry. "I want you" He says seductively letting his thumb graze my bottom lip

"Mhm" I mumble back wondering where this was going, what we were, how the fuck this was going to work. I don't say any of these things but I know that he knows because like a mind reader he whispers

"Can I have the honour of taking a beautiful girl like you out on a date"

I pretend to think exaggeratedly and his eyes look panicked but a small smile creeps onto my lips, how could I not. Have you seen how fucking gorgeous he is. I nod and he brings his lips down onto my forehead, I was so glad he knew about all of this and most of all I was glad he accepted it. He's perfect I swear.

"Cherry" calls Destiny through the slight gap in the door, we both turn our attention to her worried face "Bambi's here and so's the other one" she says nodding her head towards Grayson. Ethan was here?

I run to the front door and Bambi is stood with her arms wrapped in a teddy bear coat, her eyes look red and puffy and her skin looks worn and pale. Standing opposite her is Ethan, he looks equally as bad if not worse.

"Please just leave" Bambi croaks and I take her into a side hug as I assess Ethan who was stood directly in front of me. I can't believe I once thought so highly of him and secretly he thought so lowly of us and this place

"What are you doing here" Grayson asks crossing his arms across his chest, he sure meant it when he said he was bigger than his older brother.

"I need her to know I didn't mean it, please" Ethan whimpers reaching forward to clutch onto Bambi but I stand between them and furrow my eyebrows together.

None of the club is even aware that this is happening, they're all too high or too drunk to even understand what's happening.

"Don't touch her" I snap and his arm limply drops to his side, "you don't want to catch fucking STD's do you?" I spit back at him and I know it hits a nerve because his sad eyes rise up and latch onto something behind me and I know it's Bambi.

"Look I didn't mean it, okay, I was just confused and conflicted. I didn't think" he blubbers and I don't know whether there's even any tears there

"Grow up" mumbles Grayson from beside of me but I'm sure he didn't hear

"I'm sorry" Ethan says morosely and I feel as Bambi shuffles round my body to watch the gloomiest twin let out a sob

"You must've meant it, you don't say things like that if you don't mean it" Bambi says in a cheerless tone which breaks my heart a little because she's always so fully of happiness and laughter.

I know deep down that Bambi idolised this boy in front of me and although he had spoken words I had never thought I'd hear I was sure that she was still considering forgiveness. Truthfully so was I.

She watches as he puts his head in his hands and I glance at Grayson and I can tell that it's hurting him to watch his brother so upset although he tries not to show it.

Bambi finally gives in and brings his hunched and tearful body into her arms. I don't feel angry that she's done it though, although I would've thought I would've, I was actually relieved to have him apologise and be forgiven.

"Cmon Bambi, you need to go get ready" I say in a small shout over the music giving her shoulder a tap. She moves her arms away from Ethan and mouths me a 'thank you'. I'm not sure what for, but I nod her along.

As I'm about to follow Ethan grips onto my forearm and pulls me back to him. Grayson steps forward but pauses to see what's about to come next

"Will you ever forgive me?" He asks with our bodies so close that my nose brushes against the chest of his cotton shirt.

His eyes are still sparkling from his fresh tears and it reflects the strobe lights that are darting around the stage.

"You've had enough forgiveness for today" I hiss but I suddenly feel bad as he blinks and a small tear surfaces on his waterline "but maybe you can prove it to me, and that starts by treating her like a fucking princess, have you got that?" I say pointing my arm to where Bambi has disappeared towards.

I knew it, just like how she had known it with me. We had become best friends and if a best friend couldn't spot when her bestie was in love with someone then is she even her bestie? Wow I said best friend and bestie way too many times in that sentence.

Grayson doesn't follow me backstage so I'm guessing he's staying to talk to his brother. Once we huddle and do our usual chant and routine we all pull away and begin to fire ourselves up before we go on stage.

I turn to Bambi and she has sad eyes,

"I'm proud of you" I whisper and her head shoots up with eyes full of excitement and happiness "you knew when to stand your ground and you knew when to forgive. That's honourable" her smile spans across her whole face, raising her cheeks

"Thank you"

I pull her into a tight hug,

"It's what best friends are for"

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