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She gon' shake it for
them blue hunnids
Take her home,
she gon' do something.

Friday morning I wake up really hyper and head towards the club early for our weekly spray tan. The girls too are very excited, they always are because they're so passionate about their jobs.

James told us all to strip to our underwear and we all line up ready to be blown with the dark liquid leaving us sunkissed.

"Sometimes I think you told Calum and Kale that you were gay just to sneak in here and get us naked" Coco giggles as she spreads her arms to be sprayed

"I can assure you now, sister James, is one of the gayest people I've ever met and I live with my DADS" Brandy states and the girls fall into hysterics and James nods along as if to say 'well duh'.

After we are fully tanned and showered we get into our stage costumes. We are starting the night with a group dance that we had practiced yesterday so it was pretty new but we all loved it immediately. The outfits are pin up sailors to match with the music presented to us.

The lights are dim and the blue laser beams are back shooting against the walls, skimming the faces of the eager customers. The fog machines blows clouds around their feet, a small layer of it covering the whole stage.

Kale is back to announcing and his familiar voice fills the air booming through the microphone vibrating my chest.

"3...2...1..." Destiny counts down as our fingers graze each others.


The lights are dim as we scurry onto the stage, Coco gives me a quick arm squeeze as we line one behind the other. Bambi is behind me and she places her still shakey hands upon my waist, Raven is in front of me and I do the same to her.

The lights come up along with the beat of the song and we slowly bend forward, shaking my right ass cheek and then my left. My hand stretches across Ravens back as I pop my ass up and down and then quickly snap to touch my own toes.

The crowd goes wild especially when me and Crystal slide onto the floor and begin to grind upon it while the other girls repeat.

The most interesting part about this routine is that we are able to get wet and sure enough the rain machine was working just perfectly.

While the girls carry on with the routine me and Crystal slide through the moisture to the corner of the stage to run our hands over our bodies while our hair and face drips.

The crowd goes CRAZY.

I open my eyes when the lights slowly fade and sure enough my two boys are sat there in their new fond seating arrangement.

Grayson has his legs widely spread as he leans back on his hands, flexing his biceps, his mouth is slightly parted and if I squint enough I can see his tongue slowly rubbing the rim of his bottom lip.

Ethan, however, is leant over his own lap with both of his hands in a prayer resting upon his knees, he's smiling cockily with his eyes are deeply fixated.

Both of them are only staring at me, and the water dripping down my face onto my chest and down on my thighs that are spread either side of me in a straddle.

"That was the first glance at our hotties on our stage here. Thank you girls" Kale calls stepping onto the stage with a microphone in his right hand. I press my lips against his cheek flirtatiously and a few customers hoot.

When we're backstage I don't rush to get dressed because I know I wasn't on till fourth

"So today we're mixing things up a little because I wanted to surprise my girls with their favourite routine. The chair dances. And YOUUUUUU are in charge"

My jaw hangs open as I glance across at all the other girls who look exactly like I do

"Did you know this was happening?" I ask Destiny with wide eyes and she shakes her head quickly telling the rest of our crew to quickly change into our ACT1 costumes because anyone could be picked by the audience

"Can someone explain" asks Bambi in a hurry and while Trinity jumps into her costume she begins to explain,

"Kale will ask a customer to sit on the chair and then they will have the choice of all nine of us to go and give them a chair dance"

Bambi chews down on the inside of her cheek as she inspects her outfit once again in the mirror anxiously. All the girls are in panic. When Kale said this was our favourite routine he was being sarcastic

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm just as nervous as you" I whisper to Bambi as I flatten my hand over my lace body. She gulps down aggressively and I send her an empathetic smile.

No one understands how nerve wracking it is to be forced upon someone you don't particularly choose or feel good vibes with.

"Cmon girls he's calling the first customer" shouts Delight and we all scurry to the curtain to peep round at what the first customer looked like. We all had our fingers literally crossed.

The first up is a man who looks around 45 he looks eager and rubs his hands together, I pray he doesn't ask for Bambi because she is too young and I feel protective of her.

He asks for Destiny, and she flashes me wide eyes before she struts towards the man.

The second customer is a beautiful woman who asks for Raven who was pretty chuffed and jumps up with a clap of excitement.

Kale scans the crowd and his eyes land upon my boys

"You, you come up here sir" Kale says pointing and then tapping the top of the chair "what's your name?"

"Ethan" he replies deeply and my body grows weak just at his voice

"So which of my beauties do you want?" Kale asks holding the microphone to his lip. He lets out a small deep laugh chewing upon his bottom lip. What happens if he doesn't choose me after all of this? I think I'd be devastated


"That was a very quick answer are we sure, Ethan?" Kale questions raising his eyebrow at Ethan who was now rubbing his hands together eagerly

"Oh I'm very sure" I see him mutter

"Well then let's make your dream become reality" Kale slaps him on the back with a loud thud "our very own red ChERRY" he shouts out spreading his arm.

I gulp down.

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