Lil mama, hold up,
where they do that at?
Wanted more than one round,
And that's a fact.The girls back stage do the biggest sigh of relief when Kale announces that we are done for the night. It had been stressful and nerve wracking for all of us.
Every girl had been chosen, Raven and Destiny being the only girls chosen twice which was a massive weight off of my shoulders. I started to panic every time a new customer came up, will I be able to recreate what I did on Ethan with the same amount of passion? I concluded no.
"So how did you learn to dance like that, Bambi?" Asks Delight leaning further into the horribly coloured sofa
"I was a cheerleader" Bambi, the new girl, states and we all look intrigued. We never really found out much about people's lives in our group but nevertheless now I understood the small girl much more. She speedily ties her hair up in a pony tail with her scrunchie and begins to pack things into her backpack.
"You girls have remembered that it's Calum's birthday next weekend, right?" Trinity asks, as all the girls stop what they're doing to turn and look at her with unsure 'of course we remembered' looks. Truthfully we had all let it slip our minds, but now we knew.
"It's going to be so hectic going from work straight to another club" sighs Crystals and the girls agree.
We hate stepping foot in other people's territories too mainly because we know how protective we are of our own. Luckily for us, the club Kale had hired out for Calum wasn't a strip club, instead it had multiple dj's back to back and an unlimited bar.
"No, it'll be fun C'mon girls" I say trying to hype them up but they all groan and carry on with packing their stuff away.
When we dance through the blue fog the rest of the club is still lively. There's more girls today for some reason and they're all swaying their hips to the music holding their bottles above their heads. A lot of them honestly believe they could be up on that stage with us, it's humorous to tell you the least.
"Cherry isn't it?" Asks a voice from behind me and I turn to see a middle aged man, he's wearing plaid and has rough looking stubble.
"Yes? How can I help you, sir?" I ask in the sweetest voice possible, speaking to people still to this day after years still terrifies me.
"How much for you to come home with me?" He asks pulling his wallet into sight and fanning through his dollars. I scoff,
"Sorry I'm not for sale"
I try and bustle past him but he grabs onto the top of my arm. I shake him off with a glare but he only tightens his grip.
I scan the dancing bodies and my eyes connect with Crystal who notices my struggle and advances towards me.
"Sorry she isn't an object" Crystal snaps taking me from his grip leaving him to look offended. Another body advances towards us and when I look up my eyes attach onto Grayson's.
"Having any hassle?" He asks in a deep heavenly voice. I glance back at the man who cowers back in fear
"No were good here" I smile back leaning over and placing a firm kiss on Grayson's cheek. He reacts to it immediately spanning his hands across my hips and pressing them down firmly.
All I can think about is being back in his room again, the way he held me and the way he touched me.
"When will I ever get a number one fan that isn't wrinkled and using a walking stick?" Crystal pouts, snapping me out of my day dream.
I giggle glancing at Grayson who's eyes were so deeply pinned on me, I wonder whether they will ever leave.

Fanfiction𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 SIN CITY STRIP CLUB Ltd, in the centre of LA, open only on weekends, is both Ethan and Grayson's guilty pleasure and they just cannot seem to pull themselves away. They know why, it's because she's got a hold on them. The girl...