And shorty shake that
thing like a pro man
She back it up on me
I'm like oh man.Back stage the girls are all drinking champagne but I don't want to because I know Im walking home and I feel crazy enough thinking about those twins.
I wonder what they had thought when I went on stage the first time in my bright red lingerie. All the customers, both male and female, always loved my outfits and the red is what I became pretty famous for. After all my stage name was Cherry.
It was weird, I had never really worried about what people were going to go home and think about me after they left the club. I was only ever bothered about what people were feeling in the moment and I could always put all my money on the feeling being described as horny.
But Ethan and Grayson they were different.
I found myself thinking about their lives outside of this club, about their family and girlfriends and friends. This was BAD because it was the number one rule that you never left a customer wondering about your life outside the club. Technically I hadn't done anything wrong, it was the opposite way round currently.
"You worked that boy, Cherry, I felt like a proud mom" Destiny hooted lifting her champagne glass. I snatch one off of the table and without taking a sip, take it above my head
"Here's to getting dollar"
"Cheers to that" they giggle clanking their glasses together in excitement. It was always such a good vibe back stage after a successful night because everyone was so supportive and happy. We were all like sisters because we had grown so close to each other
"I'm off girlies" I shout grabbing my baggy joggers and wrapping my fluffy coat around my body to cover my bare skin underneath the lace
"Remember we have a newbie tomorrow and you're in charge" Trinity shouts as I'm about to leave back stage I roll my eyes and the girls fall into laughter knowing I hated newbies.
The club is now littered with the last straddlers that didn't know when the right time to go home was, I hate to break it to them, but staying this long wasn't cool.
The blue fog was now not as a prominent due to the faded blue lights that had been turned down for energy saving purposes. I glance around at the posh red booths wondering whether I would recognise any of the men and whether or not it was safe to walk home or whether I should just call an Uber
"Hey" says a voice from behind me and I flinch and turn round in shock to see Ethan stood with a sexy smirk, his brother collecting what looked like his wallet. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I should take the back entrance
"Ethan isn't it?" I question and he chuckles and it's heavenly
"Yeah that's me. Are you off home?" He asks looking behind me at the door noticing the darkness I suddenly begin to feel anxious and I wasn't sure whether it was the twins or the darkness that had done it
"Um yeah" I reply scratching the back of my neck wondering whether I was even allowed to say stuff like that
"It's dark, let us walk you home?" He offers and I worriedly look between him and Grayson. Is this the right thing to do? Or was I about to be kidnapped and murdered?
"It's fine really" I say confidently still holding my coat tightly to my skin
"Cmon you little hottie, we don't plan on murdering you" Grayson smirks pushing forward his brother making him tumble. He shoots him a glare and it makes me giggle.
I wonder if I could make this whole ten minutes without being questioned and somehow they manage it
"Cmon Gray we all know your favourite film is the notebook" Ethan teases and Grayson shoots him an offended glare as if to tell him to get lost
"Bro I've never even heard of that" Grayson fires back and Ethan's face drops as I laugh at his failed attempt.
"Yo me neither, isn't it supposed to be sad?" I ask pushing my hands further into my pockets, Gray shrugs not knowing "maybe we should ask Ethan because he seems to know what it is" I begin to tease and he shakes his head
"Now now princess, don't get to big for your boots" Ethan fires back and I look at him with a glare that was playful and made him smirk. My stomach does flips as his eyes attach to mine, I feel lost and yet found
"Don't start throwing punches, E, cos I'm on the girls side" Grayson responds nudging my shoulder slightly and I shoot Ethan a 'haha' look.
"You're younger AND SMALLER!" Ethan shouts back crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out towards Grayson who brings his arms up to a shrug. He was lying there, it was easy to tell that Grayson was centimetres above Ethan.
Then as I stop to turn down an alleyway, Grayson reaches out to touch my shoulder and says loud enough for both me and his brother to hear,
"Yeah but I'm bigger in EVERY other way"
he smirks sending me a wink, licking over his bottom lip once sending tingles down my nerve endings to every finger and toe
"I believe you, baby!" I call back sarcastically as I turn the corner from the bickering boys and begin my walk back to my house which was in the completely opposite direction, meaning it would take double the amount of time to get home than usual.
For some reason, I didn't mind.

أدب الهواة𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 SIN CITY STRIP CLUB Ltd, in the centre of LA, open only on weekends, is both Ethan and Grayson's guilty pleasure and they just cannot seem to pull themselves away. They know why, it's because she's got a hold on them. The girl...