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Lookin' for a love,
you ain't gon' find none
She don't want no love,
she just want diamonds.

"It's cold you should take my jacket" Ethan offers taking his coat off of his shoulder to wrap around mine. I try to protest but Grayson steps forward,

"Babygirl, just take the damn coat"

I gulp down in excitement at his dominance hoping that my complete infatuation was not visible to him of all people. I thank Ethan and begin to once again walk in the opposite direction to my house.

I cross my fingers beneath the coat in hopes that they don't proceed to ask any further questions and in some way I guess it works.

"Come back to our house" Ethan basically states instead of asks when we reach the alley way once again. I bite onto my lip. I know I want to go but I barely know them and all sorts of scenarios litter through my head.

"Say yes" Grayson mutters into the crook of my neck causing a wave of tingles to erupt throughout my whole body like never before.

"Okay" I respond reluctantly.

As we walk towards their house I tell myself that this was okay, people meet one night stands on the internet and they have good sex and leave.

But then I think about the high percentage of people who are then raped and murdered and before I have time to tell them 'maybe another time' I find myself stood outside a large oak door

"Welcome home princess" smirks Ethan pushing the door open widely so that I have full view of their large living room and high ceilings.

"Woah" I mumble looking around in shock, so they're rich that's one thing I now knew about them.

"You're with me tonight" Grayson hums into my ear making vibrations spread upon my skin making me want to moan.

Ethan outspreads his arms and leans against them upon the sofa with another cocky smirk and my stomach loops. I don't know what was going on, or who's Lane I am currently in but they seem to be dominative enough so I was willing to let them take the lead.

Who wouldn't, am I right?

I'm lead up the stairs towards another door which Grayson opens freely and motions for me to step inside.

The walls are white and the furniture is a cold grey colour pulled together with a warm autumnal orange here and there. It was how I would've explained how Grayson looked, a little cold but a lot like how cuddles felt in front of warm fire with fluffy socks and hot chocolates.

As i look around, admiring the decor, I fail to notice that Grayson has changed clothes into a pair of sweat pants and literally nothing else. It excites me and just looking upon him makes me weak at the knees

"Mhm like what we see?" He asks with a cocky grin and a slight lip upturn which sends volts of electricity throughout my body

"I could say the same" I reply back with the same amount of cockiness making him even more determined.

He takes a few steps forward running his hand inside of Ethan's coat and pulling it slowly and seductively over my shoulder, carrying on to do the same with the other until he used both hands to smoothly slip it off my arms.

His eyes are fixated and I can feel how heavy my breathing has become.

I wonder whether this was how the customers at work felt and suddenly I feel a pang of jealousy. How many girls has he done this to? I scoff at myself thinking how hypocritical I was being, it was literally my job to tease and pleasure.

The warmth of his lips connecting with my neck snaps me out of my day dream making me gasp which earns a smirk of satisfaction from Gray. He trails his hand up from my waist up my trembling body to gently yet assertively hold my neck in his singular hand.

I feel so weak and small and fragile but yet every kiss deepens my moans and I find myself wanting to beg for more.

The more he kisses, the tighter he grips upon my neck until I was breathlessly owned by him, willing to do anything under his magnetic touch.

His spare hand now roaming my body freely, rubbing his fingertips along the lace of my red lingerie barely skimming my skin until he stops right upon my pant line ready to make me his, completely.

He pulls his face away from kissing my neck connecting his eyes with mine so deeply I become short of breath

"I need you to scream my name" he almost growls and my lips part as if I'm going to say something but no words come out.

He is a god, I'm almost sure of it.

Then in one all mighty crash he presses his lips harshly against mine letting me melt into his body as his free hand enters me. I gasp into his mouth and he enjoys the warmth, moaning himself.

I can't help it anymore, I'm still pressed against his bedroom door and he's sweating and panting and although I didn't originally want to, I do as I'm told

"Grayson" I moan starting off quietly as he speeds up "graYSON" I repeat much louder until he quickens so fast that my legs begin to tremble and I let out his name in a hoarse scream "GRAYSON"

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