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If you put it down right
like the way I want it
Play your cards right,
maybe we can fall in love

Ethan's POV

My mom calls me and Grayson into our kitchen at around midday and obviously after staying out so late we were both reluctant to sprint towards her direction.

She didn't always live with us, she was only staying for a week and so far we had both realised why we did live alone.

Our mother is using a kitchen cloth to lightly swipe across the worktop to collect a few stray crumbs, but when we appear through the double doors she lets it drop onto the side.

"Boys" she announces as I tiredly rub my eyes with the back of my fingers "I was thinking that tonight we could go out for a nice meal so we can talk some more about how your channels going"

She smiles widely which almost definitely meant we couldn't disappoint, after all we had been neglecting her most of the week due to our hectic schedule.

"Can we not go for lunch instead of tea?" Grayson snaps back quickly glancing towards my furrowed eyebrows.

And then it strikes me like a lightening bolt and I'm almost knocked off of my feet. I knew I was forgetting something, and that something seemed to be the club that had drawn us in every weekend without a doubt.

"B-but I've already booked the table for 9pm"

Oh fuck.

My head was clouded with confusion and annoyance. Why did we have to go every weekend anyway especially when our mother would be sat at home all alone waiting for our return? But I couldn't also shake the feeling of disappointment, I really want to see Cherry as much as possible.

Truthfully she was like a drug, I just couldn't give her up.

It wasn't just the way that her body swayed and grinded against the music, no she was more than a dancer to me. It wasn't even her good looks that exactly appealed to my need, although I thought that it definitely aided my desire. I just new that she was different and that she was all I wanted.

"But mom" Grayson whines pulling out the 'm' for affect.

I knew my brother all too well and I also knew his attraction towards the mysterious girl matched mine. In some way it was relieving, knowing that he didn't see me as insane for falling for a girl I barely knew. However I hate that we had to share, we never battled with each other over things as children and we certainly weren't going to start now.

"Mom we have commitments" I sigh towards her, she looks so down and depressed. I wonder whether it's something to do with my fathers recent distancing from her.

Deep down, I know we have to attend this meal no matter how much we hate it.

"And do I just not matter!" She shouts exasperatedly rubbing her temples. I could only imagine how she would react if we told her about the girl in red lingerie.

I glance across at Grayson sending him apologetic eyes before agreeing to attend her little get together, causing her to shout in triumph.

"What if someone else hits on her, dude? Or like tries to take her home? What if she gets hurt?"

Grayson is anxiously pacing my bedroom rubbing his hands together as if all he could think about was the negatives to this situation. Truthfully I was doing the same.

I had tried to convince myself that she had managed before us and so she could manage without us for a day.

"Do you think we'll be finished before the club closes?" I ponder out loud and Grayson shrugs in my direction.

Doors close at 1am but all the dancing stops much earlier and if our mother was wanting to have a real heart to heart we could still be at that restaurant at 6am the following morning.

I throw my fist into the nearest thing which seems to be my wardrobe, it buzzes for a little but doesn't exactly hurt. I had been punching this old thing since puberty started.

"Did you fuck her?" I say without even thinking about it, it just slips up my tongue and through my lips.

My twin brother raises his head, a smirk playing upon his lips

"No, brother, but we sure as hell went pretty far"

I close my eyes but not in annoyance, it seems to be pleasure as I imagine her moaning. But this time with me. Soon I hope.

"You do know one day she's going to have to choose one of us" I state and he nods with sad eyes. We had never had any luck with girls, home schooling didn't really help much, and so having a girl so beautiful attracted to both of us was a whole new experience.

I cross my fingers behind my back, muttering that I hope she picks me.

"That or she can have the best of both worlds" Grayson laughs knowing full well that he was being deadly serious.

"You do know that girls don't like that shit right? They want one boy to treat them right, not two twin brothers who are needy and not to mention horny" I argue back and he sends me a death glare before letting it drop off of his face, he shrugs,

"Who are you to decide what she's into, bro" he asks and I gulp down.

Maybe he was right? Maybe I didn't need to loose this game to my younger brother. Maybe that meant that I don't have to see them be together and feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest.

But then again, maybe she'll choose me.

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