<3 Part 5 <3 Bad nightmare turns good

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"I am coming for you Melody. I will get you." The man says eerily. I back away and scream.

"No. Please! Don't hurt me!" I shout. I scream again and it blacks out. I wake up in my bed, covered in my quilt and pillows. I notice I have been crying and wipe my eyes quickly. The scary dreams got worse and worse all the time. I had no clue who that man was, but I knew he definitely wanted me. I pick up my phone from my cabinet and check the time. 2:03 am. Justin had gone to his own room now. I had probably woken up everyone, but it seemed silent and all I could hear was the ticking of my clock. I was shaking and my throat was parched, from the screaming, so I decided to go get a glass of water from the kitchen. I pour myself a drink and shakily sip it.

"Hey. You okay? I heard screaming." I hear Justin's voice. I jump and turn around dropping my glass of water. The glass shatters and I squeal.

"I am so sorry! I'll clean it up." I say quickly and grab a brush.

"No, its okay. I'll clean it up. I was the one that made you jump. Sorry." He says and takes the brush of me. When he finishes cleaning it up, I say sorry again and smile weakly.

"Its fine. I am sorry too. Are you okay? You seem scared." He says soothingly. I shake my head.

"No. I'm fine. Just a nightmare. I'll be alright. Don't worry." I say and scuffle my feet on the floor.

"Ok, well I am just in the next room if you need me." He says and starts to walk to his room. He turns around, noticing I am not going to bed.

"Do you want to come into my room? I have a huge bed." He asks. I nod and follow him to his room. I lay onto the bed and Justin lays next to me his back facing me, a huge gap between us. I sigh deeply and close my eyes tight.

"Night Melody." He whispers.

"Night Justin." I whisper into the dark.


Justin shakes me gently.

"Hey, wake up. You should probably go back to your own room, so my crew don't get a bad idea." He whispers. I rub my eyes and frown.

"Oh. So know your ashamed of being with me." I sigh, quite hurt. I get up out of the bed and start to walk out of the door.

"No. I didn't mean it like that. Melody!" He shouts after me, but I slam the door behind me. I didn't feel like going asleep, so I jump in the shower and get dressed. I put eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss on before drying, brushing and straightening my hair. When I walk into the kitchen I notice everyone has already eaten.

"Oh. Have you guys already ate?" I ask. Usher nods.

"Did you guys save some for me?" I ask again. Scooter is having a talk with Justin in the corner, Pattie is on her phone and Usher is on the computer.

"Did you save some for me?" I repeat. Still no answer. I walk over to the kitchen and make myself a bowl of cereal. I slam the bowl down on the table and eat as quick as possible. When I am done, I throw my bowl in the sink, turn the tap on and wash my bowl roughly. Justin is still talking to Scooter and I see him glance at me every once in a while. I finish the pots and sit on the sofa.

"You need to get her of this tour! She is going mad. We don't want the media making up things about you and her." I hear Scooter whisper, a little too loudly. We all go silent and I look down at my hands.

"You know what? If you all hate me so much, why don't you just tell me? That would of been better than ignoring me." I mutter and walk out of the room. I walk into my room and start collecting my stuff. Justin walks in and frowns.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I am packing my bags. I heard what he said, you all don't want me here, so I might as well go. Have a nice tour."  I say angrily.

"No. I want you here. Please. Sit down, so I can explain." Justin says touching my arm and nodding at the bed. I blush, but obediently sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Justin, there is nothing to explain." I groan.

"Just listen. Please?" He says staring at me. I blush again and nod.

"The reason everyone kept acting weird, was because they were scared, of me falling in love with you and the media going crazy, because I have just broke up with Selena and then I might start dating you. I have to admit I have a crush on you and have ever since you started working for me, but it was only a tiny crush then and it has grew bigger and bigger the more I get to know you. They are scared to get to know you, because you might break my heart just like Selena. We all loved Selena. They don't want to love you and then you disapear out of the picture. Do you understand? They didn't mean to seem rude at all. They were just scared." He says. I blush. He liked me?

"I-i understand. I like y-you too." I whisper and smile at him. He smiles back at me and his eyes shine.

"Can I have a hug?" He asks grinning. I nod and hug him tightly. He felt warm and he felt protective.

"Now. Lets go talk to the crew, eh?" He says and hands me his hand. I take his hand in mine and bite my lip.

"See." He points down at our hands. "A perfect match." I nod slowly.

"Justin, I am scared." I say.

"Don't be. I will look after you know"


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