Part 9- Jason McCann?!

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My grip tightens on Justin, as a unfamiliar figure walks into the room. Justin notices my quick change in mood and pulls me back slightly to look in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks, concern in his voice. Eyes searching for a answer. I open my mouth and close it again, not being able to say anything. Justin shakes me gently, getting annoyed by the minute.

"Mel? Tell me what's wrong." His voice is on edge, his grip tightening on me. I shakily point my finger at the figure behind him. He turns around instantly, a gasp escaping his mouth. Standing in front of us was Selena and Jason McCan. I didn't really know him, but I knew he was the most dangerous kid in town. Justin stands in front of me, protecting me from harm.

"How cheesy." Selena starts laughing, her shiny, midnight black hair cascading down her back. Jason chuckles beside her, a smirk on his face. I notice Justin tense and his chocolate pool eyes turn dark.

"What are you doing here Jason?" Justin growls. I hold onto his arm lightly, letting him know I was here. He looks down at me, his face softening a little, before looking back up at Jason.


Jason moves a step closer, brushing his long floppy hair out of his eyes. I could see anger and hurt in his eyes. There was another emotion, but I couldn't quite place it.

"Oh, just thought I would check on how your doing." He hesitates for a moment. "Brother."

I frown slightly. Brother? Justin only had two siblings. Jazzy and Jaxon. What does he mean brother? Jason glances at me a smirk on his lips.

"You didn't tell your girl your biggest secret? Wow man."

Justin tenses up again. I could sense the anger forming inside of him, going to burst out any minute. Before I can say anything, Jason interrupts startling us all.

"I'm sorry? Did you not know Bieber's little secret?" He eyes me up and down, a evil grin on his face. I stand there, my mouth open in shock. "I will tell if for you if you like...?"

"Melody." I manage to whisper. He nods glancing at Justin. He turns back to me and starts to start his story when a shout comes from Justin's mouth.

"You will not tell her Jason. I will not let you!" Justin yells, the anger escaping. I hold onto his arm tighter, but he doesn't even look at me.

"Why not Bieber? Why not tell her who I am, what I am. You should of know you were going to get fucked up sooner or later. Why not now?" Jason spats, glaring at him.

"That is it." Justin growls, escaping my grasp and running at Jason. He punches him in the jaw, causing his head to fly back. Jason steadies himself and starts punching Justin repetitively. I try to run at him, but Selena pulls me back. I turn to look at Selena.

"What are you doing? We need to save him."

"Nope. You are not going anywhere." She laughs, her brown eyes full of mystery. I groan and give up trying. I close my eyes tightly, not wanting to look. When I open them again Justin is on the floor, being kicked by Jason. His eyes were drooping every second. I started screaming, causing Jason's head to snap up.

"Shutup, bitch." He spat.

I frown at him.

"You don't scare me. I can do what I want." I say struggling in Selena's arms. Jason stops hurting Justin, figuring he had enough. I escape Selena's arms and run to Justin kneeling down at his side. I stroke his face, a tear streaming down my cheek. He holds onto my hand tightly, his eyes closing.

"I love you Melody." He whispers.

"Shh, shh. Everything's gonna be alright." I smile weakly. "I love you too."

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