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Skylar's POV

I sat in the forest crying, how could he.. how could Dean say that

Yes I know I'm not a hundred percent me anymore but I'm doing everything I can to become me again

"Skylar?" I heard behind me

"Go away Cas" I wiped away the tears rolling down my face

"You need to come back home" he walked over

"No I don't" I looked at him "you heard Dean" I stood up "Look at me Cas, I'm a fucking monster, look at what I did"

"You did it to save yourself"  he looked into my eye's "I've done things I'm not proud of but I've gotten over that and Dean can just get over with what you did"

I shook my  head "Its Dean Cas, he won't"

"We'll find out ourselves" he grabbed my arm

"No Cas" before I could finish he flashed us back into the bunker "Damnit Cas!"

"Sky" I heard behind me, I turned to see Dean "I'm sorry"

"You don't mean it" I crossed my arms

"Yes I do" he walked towards me "you have to remember that I was a demon once so I know how it is, the things I've done"

I didn't say a thing

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Dean "I'm sorry"

I nodded


I sat in my room listening to music

"I got no excuses for all of these goodbyes call me when it's over 'cause I'm dying inside wake me when the shakes are gone and the cold sweats disappear call me when it's over and myself has reappeared" I sang along

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know why
I do it every, every, every time
It's only when I'm lonely
Sometimes I just wanna cave
And I don't wanna fight
I try and I try and I try and I try and I try
Just hold me, I'm lonely"

There was a knock on my door "hey" Jack popped his head in

"Hey" I smiled

"Are you sure everything is alright?" He walked over and sat down "I heard the song you were singing and-"

"Jack I'm fine" I sighed "I mean" I paused

"What?" He asked

"There are some memories that are fuzzy or just not there" I looked down

"You'll get them back, Your becoming human again" he simply said

I stood up "but what if I don't Jack" i paused "what if I never get those memories back or even become human again... be me again"

"Skylar look" he raised his voice a bit "I know its hard right now but I know everything will be normal again soon"

I looked down "but what if it doesn't" I whispered

He took my hands "don't worry about it... okay?"

I nodded "I'll try not to"

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile been busy and dealing with a lot of shit...

Black eye'd bitch (supernatural) sequel to The Thrid WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now