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"Shit shit shit!" I screamed as I laid on the floor holding my head

Sam and Dean came running in "Skylar?" They helped me onto a chair

"What's wrong?" Sam asked

"He's messing with me" I could still hear the loud ringing in my ears

"Who?" Dean asked

Cas walked over and placed a finger in my head, everything went black

Dean's POV

"What the hell Cas!?" I shouted

"She was in pain I had to do something" he shouted back "Besides he's still trying to find her and get her back may I remind you!"

"Yeah I know that" I rolled my eye's, I looked at Sky "So what do we do to get her back to herself?"

"Not sure yet I'm still working on that" he groaned

"So your just gonna knock her out every time this happens?" I questioned

"Possibly yes" I knew he didn't want to but it was for her safety.. and ours

"Just try to hurry alright"


I sat around drinking some whiskey while Sam did some research, I heard some shuffling behind me, I turned around to see Sky "Hey how you feeling?"

She just looked at me, soon those beautiful eyes turned black and I was pinned against the wall, Sam hurried and tried to get her off if me but she flew him off of her, Then her eye's went back to normal

She released her grip on me and backed away "I'm sorry" she ran her hands through her hair "I'm sorry" she kept repeating

"Skylar it's alright" Sam walked over

"No it's not, I can't control this" she had tears running down her face "I can't control this fucking thing inside of me" she rolled up her sleeve to show scars up and down her arm "it did this to me because I wont let it out to control me, to take over my body like it once did"

It hurt me seeing this, it hurt me seeing what it's doing to her "Skylar" I started to walked towards her but she pushed me and Sam Against the wall, she brought a demon blade towards her chest "Skylar don't!" I yelled

"I have to Dean or else it's gonna eat me alive then it'll kill you!" She screamed "I'm sorry"

Just as she was about to plunge it into her heart Jack came in and knocked it out of her hand "I am not letting you do this to yourself!" He screamed "I promised you that I would help you!"

Soon she fainted and fell onto the floor, We all rushed over "we need to do something and now" I looked at them

Yeah It's shorter which I am sorry for, I just felt like I had to update and also I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately and just needed to do something besides sit in my room all day

Black eye'd bitch (supernatural) sequel to The Thrid WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now