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I woke up in my room a bit lightheaded, as I made my way down the hall I could hear the guys talking

"This can't be happening" Dean sounded pissed

"How?" Sam added

I walked into the room and everything went quiet

"What's going on?" I looked over and saw Chuck standing there "Why is he here?"

"I came to explain a few small things to your brothers" he looked at them then back at me

"Which was?..." I trailed off wanting a answer

"Like how you're the Queen of hell now" he chuckled awkwardly

My eyes widened "What!?"

"Your as surprised as we are" Dean pinched the bridge of his nose

"What do you mean what about Crowley?" I asked

"He's dead" Chuck blankly spoke

"Fuck" I ran my hand through my hair

"And since Lucifer is dead hell needs a new leader" Chuck didn't seem to happy about it either "So it's you"

"No no no I'm trying to become human again!" I was getting frustrated

"Calm down Sky" Dean tried to speak to me "You have more power then before we don't want you possibly blowing up the earth"

"That's my job" Chuck added

Dean turned around and looked at him "Not helping" he turned back and looked at me "Listen to me Skylar, we'll find a way don't worry"

soon a bunch of demons showed up, everyone grabbed their guns and knifes

a demon put his hands up "Don't worry we didn't come to hurt you" He came over to me and bowed "Our Queen"

the other all bowed as well

"Oh Shit"


we decided to go on a case well I did

"You sure this is a good idea?" Dean asked "I mean you are the queen of hell now"

"That doesn't change anything Dean" I put my gun in my holster "I'm still a hunter, they're not taking that away from me" I looked at my brothers "So what do we got?"

Sam came around Baby "Your not gonna like it"

"Let me guess Demons?"

"Yeah" he looked down

"Alright" I closed the trunk "Let's go" I nodded towards the building then Sam had a odd look on his face "What?"

"Well.. their your demons so"

I Shrugged "I could care less besides I'm trying to become human again remember?"

he nodded "Alright" Dean walked over "Let just get this done with" he walked past me and Sam

as we walked inside the building I could tell who it was "Great" I sighed

"What?" Dean asked

I ran my hand through my hair "I know who we're about to face and she ain't pretty"

Dean got that smirk on his face "I'll be the judge of that"

I rolled my eye's and pushed by him "Now's not the time Dean" I looked around "Now it's just trying to find out where the hell she is in this place"

"Right here" I heard behind us soon we all went flying "Skylar" She crossed her arms as she stood in front of me

"Gwen" I stood up, I could feel my eye's flick back "Nice to finally see you again"

"Heard Lucifer and Crowley are both dead" She tilted her head "How sad" she paused "And now your the queen of hell?"

"How'd you know?" Dean questioned

"Things spread quickly" She smirked

"What are doing anyways?" I asked "Thought you ran off to California to be some actor?"

"Yeah that didn't work out so now" She put her arms out "Now I'm back"

"It was only a month.... those things can take years"

"Yeah well I got bored"

"Alright enough chit chat" I drew my demon blade "Let's fucking end this"

she drew her's "My pleasure" she glanced over at Sam and sped towards him

"No!" I yelled, Luckily I saved him in time and he only had a small cut on his arm "You fucking bitch this is between me and you not my brothers"

"Well I thought since they were here I'd have some fun" she smiled


"Damnit" I growled,I looked to see Jack standing there "I thought you were suppose to stay at the bunker?"

"Oh and who is this?" Gwen looked at him "Little Lover boy?"

"No" I rolled my eye's "Jack stay back alright, least do that" soon my arm stung like hell, I noticed I had a cut which was bleeding pretty badly "Bitch!"

Gwen started laughing, my blood boiled soon I did what I did best... I protected my family


"You okay?" Dean asked as he cleaned my wound

"I'm good" I never looked up at him, I knew he hated seeing me as this.. a demon "Really"

He gave a small sigh and threw the small bloody cloth into the trunk "That should hold till we get back"

I nodded and looked over at Jack "Why'd you come here anyways?" I asked "We told you to stay at the bunker"

"I know" He lowered his head "But something felt off, like something bad was going to happen.. I'm sorry"

"It's ok Jack" I was a bit upset but also glad that he cared, I opened the door "C'mon let's get home, Cas is probably worried"

"Yes I am"

I fell backwards as he popped up in Baby "What the hell?!"

Dean and Sam both started laughing "Oh my god you should've seen the look on your face!" Dean laughed

I could tell my eye's flicked black as thy both quickly shut up, I looked back at Cas and felt my eye's go back to normal "Why'd you pop up we were heading back home"

he looked around "Cause"

"Cause why?" I waited for him to continue

"Let's just say some people are looking for you"

"Figures since I am now apparently the Queen of hell" I crossed my arms "So who?"

"Angels, Demons.. Hunters"

"Great" I rolled my eye's and jumped in the car, this is gonna be fun

Black eye'd bitch (supernatural) sequel to The Thrid WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now