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I opened my eyes, I was back at the bunker, I sat up and was met by a familiar face

"Hey" Jack sat up from the chair "how you feeling?"

"For someone who's almost died for the nine billionth time... I feel okay"

He gave a small slight chuckle "Well I have some good news, the portal closed, guess all that needed to be done was for you to die well.. almost die"

"Wow" I chuckled "glad I almost did then"

"I'm not" he got all serious

"Jack.. I didn't mean it like that" I lowered my head

"Skylar I want to tell you something" he bit his lip "I Lo-"

"Oh thank God your awake" Dean came in "thought we lost you"

"Wait Jack what were you gonna say?" I looked back at him

He shook his head a little "nothing... Never mind" he stood up "Glad you alright" he smiled as we he walked out

"He okay?" Dean asked

"I'm not sure" I was confused, I shook my head "you need something?"

He shrugged "Just wanted to check on you" he passed a second "Dad's gone, mom said that the moment you blacked out he was gone but not before they said their goodbye's"

"Oh" I lowered my head "wished he could've stayed though, we could've been one happy family"

"I got some good news"

Me and Dean jumped out of our skin, both drawing our guns only to see Chuck

"The hell?!" Dean yelled

He held up his hands "Sorry but good news" he paused a second "my angels won't come after you now or anyone else"

"Good" I rolled my eyes

"What you do?" Dean added

"I might have had a word or two with them" he rubbed the back of his head

"So you threatened them?" I questioned

"Maybe, but it was for your and everyone else's safety"

I rolled my eyes again "wow"

"Something had to be done and hey Skylar" he looked at me


"Talk to Jack.. okay"

"Okay?" I raised a eyebrow

And just like that he was gone

"What does he mean talk to Jack?" Dean asked  me all protective big brother mood like

I shrugged "I don't know"

Something did feel off about Jack, when he asked to talk to me I got butterflies in my stomach, I've never felt that way before


"Sure you don't wanna go?" San asked "You love hunting vamps"

I nodded "Yeah but almost dying.. again, I think I could use a day off"

"Alright suit yourself"Dean grabbed his bag

I watched as they all walked out, I was alone, Cas and Jack went out for a moment, Jack said he wanted to talk to Cas alone about something so it was just me

I sat at the table for a moment stating at my laptop for a few minutes then "I wonder, since I'm the queen of hell now and somehow stronger the God?" I asked myself, I looked over at the book across the the table and it started flipping pages on its own, I smiled and giggled "Cool" I stood up and decided to go outside for a moment, I grabbed a dying flower and placed it in my hands, when I opened my hands back up it was full bloom

"Holy shit" I smiled

"Skylar?" I looked over and saw mom "what are you doing out here it's cold" she walked over and saw the flower "did you?"

I nodded "yeah"

"Oh my god" she smiled "it's beautiful"

"Skylar Winchester" I heard behind us, we both turned around "Nice to see you again"

"Henry" I growled

"Demon buddy?" Mom got out her knife

"Yup" I popped the P "what do you want?"

"Just wanted to catch up with an old friend" he smiled "how you been?"

"Shut up" I drew my demon blade "Why are you really here?"

He flashed behind me again "Bye bye"

Once I turned around he had mom, he  out his blade right through her chest "Mom!"

I went to grab him but he was gone, I quickly turned back around and rushed back to mom, I knelled down next to her "Mom?" Tears formed in my eyes I tried using my powers, I thought if I could bring nature back to life why not a person, I grabbed her and held her in my arms "C'mon mom wake up" nothing "C'mon please just wake up!"

The ground slightly shook around is, I didn't care anymore

I held her in my arms just sobbing "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry please wake up please"


I looked up and saw Cas and Jack standing there, they both rushed over, Cas knelled down and did everything he could "she's gone"

I stood up "Fuck!" I felt arms around me "let me go!"

"No" Jack simply replied "I won't"

I just fell into his arms just sobbing, we both fell to the ground, he was completely clam just rubbing my shoulder "it's okay" he kept whispering in my ear

I shook my head "no it's not" I sobbed into his chest

Black eye'd bitch (supernatural) sequel to The Thrid WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now