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"Wait the boyfriend is a Vampire?" Sam asked

"Yup"  I looked at him

"How didn't he sense you?" Dean asked

"Not sure, he did seem a little off though, kinda off edge you might say, I also saw a small blood splatter on the collar of his shirt"

"You saw that?" Dean asked


"Damn even when I was a demon I couldn't see like that" he stood up "alright let's go kill this bitch"

I held up a finger "hold on"

Dean looked around confused "What?"

"Shush" I moved over towards the door, I heard people talking but didn't know how many, I motioned towards the machetes, the boys picked them up and I motioned for them to hide, as they did there was a knock on the door, once I opened it I saw the boyfriend

"Agent Penelope?"


"I need some help" he lowered his head "I think whoever got to my girlfriend is now after me"

"Okay uh" I looked around a second "come in" I moved out of the way and he started pacing "calm down Mr.." I trailed off

"Names Mike"

"Okay Mike, it'll be fine just calm down I'll get you a beer"

"No" he shook his head, soon the door broke down "I don't think so" he pinned me against the wall

"Skylar!" Dean and Sam hurried in but soon were pinned themselves

"Why?" I looked at him "Why'd you kill your own girlfriend?"

"She was annoying as hell" he smirked "she was completely crazy, would randomly start screaming saying I was going to leave her, she'd stock me anywhere and everywhere I'd go, it was driving me nuts"

"That's no reason to kill her though"

"It was the reason!" He pushed me harder against the wall, I could feel something enter my body, it hurt like a bitch "I know who you are ya know"

I smirked "is that so?"

"Your a Winchester" he looked over at my brother's "and so are they"

"Good to know our family, I'm Skylar" I sassed, he quickly threw me across the room

"Skylar?!" Dean shouted "You lay another finger on her I'll kill you!"

Mike just rolled his eyes, he snapped his fingers and a fight broke out, I finally stood myself up only to be met by Mike once more "Any last words?"

"I should be asking you the same thing" I smiled, soon his head was gone, I fell to the floor

"Hey you okay?" Sam asked

"I'm good" I looked up "just gimme a second, getting thrown and pinned took a lot out of me is all"

"Your bleeding?!" Dean walked over

"I've had worse Dean" I stood up "Besides remember I am a demon, I'll heal in just a few minutes"


"How you holding up?" Dean asked as he handed me a cup of hot tea

"Better" I took the small cup "Still in a bit of pain but nothing I can't handle"

"Sure you don't want Cas to heal you?"

I gave a small smile "I'm sure dean, I'm just not using my powers to fasten up the heal process is all"

He sighed and nodded "Right"

"You okay?" I looked at him

"Yeah it's just.." he paused "This past couple months have been hectic you know, with you, mom just everything"

I nodded "I know" I set the cup down "How about we take the day off tomorrow, I'll bake a pie, we can order pizza and just stay in for the day no matter what"

"But the world needs to be saved Skylar"

"The world can go one day without us Winchester's.. it's not the end of the world ya know"

He thought about it "Okay I guess so" he looked at me "What kind of pie exact?"

Sorry I haven't posted in a minute I've been dealing with a lot of stress, work and personal things I'm not ready to talk about just yet but I'll update again soon .... Hopefully <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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Black eye'd bitch (supernatural) sequel to The Thrid WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now