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"Skylar?!" Dean Screamed

I laid there screaming in pain, I couldn't do anything

"You son of bitch what did you do?!" Dean looked at him  

He just smiled and stared

"Guys go!" I yelled

"We're not leaving you!" Sam shouted

"Jack, Cas get them out!'

they didn't want to, I knew they didn't but they had no choice

"Sky you ain't leaving us again you hear me!" Dean was almost crying as I could tell, his voice almost cracking while trying to sound tough



that was the last thing I heard before everything went dark

~Two months ago~ 

"What?" Sam asked "That's great"

"The only thing is we have no idea when Chuck will be able to unlock it" I spoke "Apparently the lock is symbols and a spell only he knows"

"Then how the hell did Lucifer lock it in the first place?" Dean asked as he had a beer in his hands

"I don't know, it seems a bit fishy to me" I looked at him "But Cas found it Dean, I could be Me again" I smiled

"Then we'll trust Chuck then, He'll figure it out soon enough"

"Yeah about that"

We turned around and saw him standing there "Somehow Lucifer had some other help sealing Skylar's soul, it's going to take some more time"

"She doesn't have much longer!" Dean was angry but I don't blame him

"She's got what maybe two months tops?" Sam looked at me

"Yup" I popped the P "Hell maybe even less"

"What do you mean?" Cas asked

"I didn't want to worry you guys even more but if I use my powers it takes away more"

"When were you going to tell us this?!" Dean was furious but I don't blame him

"Like I said I didn't want you guys to worry, I haven't been trying to use my powers much and you know this, I only use my powers when necessary"

"Think you can speed things up?" Dean looked at Chuck

"I can try" Chuck sighed "It takes time to unlock a soul like Skylar's" he looked between me and my brothers "Skylar's soul isn't like others I've seen before, the damage it's been through, the happiness, the hatred just everything about it.. that's what makes her so special in both Heaven and Hell"

And like that he was gone

Dean put his arms out "This is just great"

"Don't worry" Sam put his hand on my shoulder "Well get it in time"

I nodded "Hope so"


"Sure you want to do this?" Dean grabbed his shotgun

"Dean I need to" I put my hands in my pocket "I can't just sit around and do nothing I needed to do something"

"But if you use your powers" Jack looked at me

"I know" I butted in "That's why I'm going to just trust my hunter instincts"

He seemed worried like everyone else "But what if something happens and you have to use them.."

I put my hand on his shoulder "it'll be fine, even if I use a tiny bit there's still enough of me here that I won't just snap" I reassured him

He nodded

"Alright C'mon love birds let's get this going" Dean walked past

"Shut up" I threw a small rock at him

"Hey" he turned around chuckling, then back to all seriousness "Seriously let's get this done"

I'll be honest me and Jack have been getting closer since he kissed me, I wanted to tell him about my feelings towards him as well but I don't want to fuck anything up in case something does happen

"Alright Dean, Sam you go that way" I pointed at the map "Me, Jack and Cas will go this way"

"Why does Cas get to go with you, all three of you have powers" Dean looked at me "Me and Sam don't"

I rolled my eye's "Fine, Cas you go with Sam and Dean, me and Jack will be fine"

"Meet back here in twenty alright?" Sam looked around

We all nodded and headed our directions, it was quiet but it wasn't awkward, as we went to go around a corner Jack pulled me back "Hold on" he closed his eye's "I can feel something"

I looked around "Yeah I can seance it too" I looked at him "Let's keep going but keep an eye out" 

Just as we walked into a room Jack went flying and the door closed locking in into the other room

"Jack?!" I rushed over

"Hello Skylar" I quickly turned around I could feel my eye's start to glow red "It's been awhile"

"Let Jack go now Meg!'

"I'm afraid I can't do that Skylar" She smiled

"How are you alive anyhow?" I asked

"I have my ways" She grinned, she flicked her hand and I went flying

"You bitch" I sat up

"Someone's a little angry" she bent down "I see you've gotten more powerful"

"Fuck off" I growled


"I'm okay Jack" I closed my eye's

"Just hold on alright, I'm going to get the door open"

I could hear him banging against the door, I could even feel him using his powers trying to get open.. why wasn't it working

I looked at Meg "Your not her are you?" I questioned, then it hit me "Your the empty"

"Bingo" She flashed behind me throwing me off guard, as I turned around she punched me making me fly across the room again 

"What do you want?"

"I want sleep" She walked towards me "I need sleep"

"Why are you even here?" I stood up and wiped the blood from my mouth 

"I'm here for someone" She walked towards me "I'm here for you" She placed he hands on each side of my head

I started screaming, the ringing in my ears.. the pain in my whole body, I haven't felt anything like this before


I fell to the floor, unable to move as she stood over me "I'll come back" she disappeared

"Skylar?" Someone helped me sit up, it was Jack "Hey I got you"

"What the hell happened?" Dean, Sam And Cas all rushed in

"The empty... She's was here"

"Why?" Sam asked

"She's here for me"

Sorry I haven't posted been dealing with a lot and it's been putting a lot onto my mental health 

Black eye'd bitch (supernatural) sequel to The Thrid WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now