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Skylar's POV

We were finally a family again, it was like nothing changed..  except the fact that I was a demon but I was back to myself

"You hungry?" There was a knock on my door, I looked up to see Sam

"Uh yeah I'll be there in a minute" I looked back down at the drawing

"You okay?" He walked over

"I'm not sure" I bit my lip "like I know I'm a demon now but I just dont feel like I'm actually myself a hundred percent.. or even fifty"

He gave a small sigh "I know how you feel with the while demon blood thing  a few years back"

"I remember that" I looked down

"And yes you are a demon now but Cas, Rowena and Gabriel are trying to find a way to get back to normal" he said "Make you human again"


"Think you ready to hunt again?" Dean asked as he put the guns in the back of baby

"I think so" I put my hands in my pockets

"Okay" he nodded "just checking to make sure"

Once we were on the road I felt happy... normal


We pulled up and everyone got out

"You sure your ready?" Sam asked

I ran my hand through my hair "Not really but I need to be" I gave a small smile

We walked toward the building when I stopped

"What's wrong?" Dean walked over

"Stay here" I walked passed them

"Whoa whoa whoa hold on" Dean stepped in front me "I don't think so"

"Dean step aside" I closed my eye's

"No" he said "your not going in alone"

"Fine" I groaned "but your staying behind me"

We walked in and it was quiet.. too quiet

"This isn't good" Sam whispered

I started walking ahead but someone grabbed my arm

"What did I say?" Dean whisper yelled "we stay together"

I could feel my eyes flick to black "Dean" I started "Let me do this, I'm not the useless girl you use to know"

"You were never useless Sky" He looked at me

I shook my head "Don't lie to me Dean" I went on ahead


I turned the corner and was pinned against the wall

"Why hello Skylar" his eyes flicked black

"Get off of me James" I pushed him off "what do you want"?

"It's not what I want" he smiled "No no, it's what he wants"

"Who Lucifer?" I chuckled "he can kiss my fucking ass"

I grabbed my blade out if my boot "This'll hurt a little"

He grabbed his "it sure will"

We fought and fought, blood splattered

"Skylar?" I heard Dean

"Shit" I mumbled, I let my guard down and James ran his blade across my face.. twice "Fuck!" I yelled

"Is that all you got?" He laughed

I heard footsteps come up from behind l held my hand up "I'm fine"

"You can do better, I've seen you do better then this shit" James growled

Dean's POV

She ripped him to pieces.. literally

Her eye's were pitch black, blood flowing out of her mouth

"Skylar?" Sam inched towards her, I held him back "what are you doing?" He looked at me

"I've never seen anything like that... ever" I was surprised

Her eye's went back to normal, she looked at her clothes and hands that were covered in blood "I'm sorry" she looked around "I didn't mean to"

"Its okay" I looked at her "let's go home and get you all cleaned


I sat there thinking

"Hey" Sam sat down

"Hey" I sighed

"Everything alright?" He asked

"That wasn't Skylar Sam" I leaned forward

"Dean she's a demon now, what do you expect" he said "you saw who I was when I drank demon blood and had no soul, I wasn't much different"

"No" I stood up "this is worse, she's not our sister anymore Sam"

He looked behind me

"She's a God damn monster that's needs to be stopped"

"Sky" he sighed

I turned around to see her standing there, tears running down her face "how could you" she growled

"C'mon I think we need to all just go to sleep" mom walked towards her

She shook her head "No" she looked at me "if you say I need to be stopped then fucking kill me!" She screamed as her eye's flicked black

"Nobody is killing anyone" Cas shouted

"Fine" Skylar stood there "Then I'll just leave" she flashed our of there

"Son of a bitch"

Black eye'd bitch (supernatural) sequel to The Thrid WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now