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Skylar's POV

The room was pitch black, nothing or no one was around me "hello?" I called out "is anyone there?"


"Sam?, Dean?, Cas?, Jack!?" I started to panic "Mom!?" I screamed out "Anybody!?"

I fell to my knees sobbing, I was alone

"I thought you'd be tougher and stronger then this" I knew that voice, I looked up to see a younger me "Your not what I ever wanted to be, Your what I was trained to kill"

"I know and I'm sorry" I lowered my head "I only did this to protect the one's I love" I sobbed "I never meant for this to happen!"

"But it did" I looked to see demon me standing there "This is who you are now" she bent down on her knees "They don't need you anymore, Your only holding them back, Your hurting them staying around"

"No your wrong!" I closed my eye's

"You sure about that?" They whispered behind me "Open them"

I opened my eye's and I was standing in the bunker, the place was trashed like there had been a fight

I went running through the halls "Sam?, Dean?"

As I turned the corner I saw blood trails "oh no no no" I rushed over only to see something I never wanted to

"No no no Please" I begged as I rushed to Sam and Dean's side "C'mon guys wake up this isn't funny please"

They were covered in blood, something had torn them to pieces

I look to my right and I see Mom, Jack and Cas the same way, I stood up and backed away "No please God No"

I fell onto the floor sobbing, I brought my hands up and there covered in blood, My clothes covered my whole entire body was covered

"You did this to them Skylar" the voice said behind me, I turned around to face Demon me

"No you did" I growled

They put up their hands in defense "I had nothing to do with this, it was all you"

"Get out" I closed my eye's "Get the fuck out!"

"Skylar!" I heard someone yell "Sky!"

I opened my eyes trying to catch my breath

"Everything alright?" Dean asked, Worried spread all over his face

"Yeah just a bad dream I guess" I ran my hand through my hair

"Seemed more than that" Dean looked into my eye's "You sure everything alright?"

"Dean" I sighed "You know what Hell can do to you.. and being a demon"

"Yeah all too well" he mumbled

"So You know what I'm going through... Don't worry I'll be fine" I looked at him

"What if your not" he stood up "Your my baby sister I'm supposed to take care of you. Make sure your safe" he had big tears in his eye's " Something's wrong and I can feel it Sky"

I sat there for a moment "what if I can't be saved from this demon" i looked at him "What if i have to live like this forever, I watch You and Sam grow old and die while I'm stuck as a Black Eye'd Bitch"

"Hey" he lifted my chin "Your not a Black Eye'd Bitch" he paused a second "Your my sister and we will find a way to make you normal again, I promise that"

"But we've made so many promises that we couldn't keep" A tear rolled down my cheek

"This one I intend on keeping"

Yes Hello hi Sorry I haven't updated been dealing with a lot of stress and other things so Forgive me!! 

Black eye'd bitch (supernatural) sequel to The Thrid WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now