Chapter One

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This story is dedicated to xXsweetieleXx for making an awesome cover for me.


Graham stared out at the dry wasteland before him. It was new land that his father had acquired to expand their farm. He couldn't imagine what it looked like before the Settling.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Graham's father asked.

"I suppose so."

"The towns we trade to are looking for more crop, and I'm the best farmer in the mid-west."

His father had told him that several soldiers from the anti-magic militia called the Dispersion had become farmers. Once the Spellbinders stop being a threat, there was no need for an excess amount of people to hunt them or fight against them.

"I'll be teaching you more farming techniques as we get this ground ready."

Graham knew a few things about farming already. He had been doing it just about as long as he could remember. Now at the age of 13, his hands were already toughened from using the equipment.

"You can head back to the house. I might need you to scout out the new land this evening, when it's cooler. I was told there are a few sheds here and there that might have some extra trowels, hoes, and pitchforks."

"I thought everything was ransacked already?" Graham asked.

His father shook his head. "Some areas of the U.S. we're guarded by the Dispersion. When the chaos started, there were a lot of areas protected for the purpose of resources. This land being one of those places. No Spellbinders or drifters should have entered this land. There should be something we can use as long as the weather hasn't gotten to it."

Graham nodded. His dad reached over and rustled his brown hair. "The Dispersion did let me have some books from the time before the Spellbinders if you're ever interested."

"Maybe someday when I'm done reading the post-Settling books." Graham knew there wasn't a lot of those, but he had a hard time getting into reading. He was glad he could, because he knew several kids his age in the towns couldn't read or write.

Graham said goodbye to his dad as he headed back to their main farmland. It wasn't too far on his bicycle. Most people traveled by horse or bike. Anyone with trade goods typical rode horses, and anyone else rode bikes. Rarely, some of the more rich traders could afford some gasoline and take cars wherever they wanted. Graham had only seen cars parked, and never in motion.

The bike ride home was hot. The sun was almost always out during the days. Even when it rained, the sun always managed to be shining bright and hot. The heat rose from the brown dirt and cracked surfaces of the land around the path. Graham was glad he could be indoors soon.

The screen door opened as Graham rode up to the small porch. "Have you seen your father?" Graham's mother asked as she stepped outside. The porch creaked. It wasn't made with the best wood, but it served it's purpose.

Graham hopped off his bike and leaned it against the porch. He nodded and thumbed back the way he came from.

"He's still looking at the new land."

His mother shielded her eyes from the sun. "It is so dang hot. Did you need to go back and see him before he returns?"

Graham shook his head. "He said to go back out after it's cooler to look for old sheds."

"Well go inside and cool off. We'll just have to wait for him to come back."

"Is something wrong?" Graham asked. He stepped onto the porch and headed towards the door.

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