Chapter Two

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Magic swirled intensely as it had provided a shield for Graham. The gray energy was mesmerizing. A few seconds passed and it disappeared.

Graham blinked a few times. He looked to his hands to see if he had used magic. There was no sign that he had. He expected some sort of magic trace to be left behind. Markings, sparkling, something. There was nothing. He imagined Spellbinder's magic to be more than just the energy itself. They had always been made out to be bad people, so shouldn't they give off some sign as to be bad?

Graham decided to wait before he continued that thought path. He didn't have the stomach to think about how his father would see him if he did have magic. For now, he picked up his mattock and began to look among the wreckage. Something caused the explosion. Perhaps it was a Spellbinder who also protected him from the explosion.

In the center of where the shed used to be, there were two bodies. Graham cautiously walked toward them. He held his mattock ready just in case.

One body stirred and began to cough. It was a man, who looked to be in his early twenties. "Didn't expect you to bring a bomb with you," the man said as he pat the other body.

Graham cleared his throat. The man jolted up and readied gray energy at his hands. He was a Spellbinder. He wore strange clothes that Graham had never seen before. It was a mixture of leather armor and cloth clothes, most of it being white.

"Were you outside when that lunatic set off his bomb?" the Spellbinder asked.

Graham nodded. The man lowered his hands, letting his magic fade. "And you lived?" he asked as a followup.

"I thought it was you who might have put that gray stuff in front of me."

The Spellbinder smiled. "Gray stuff, huh? Well that's a good start to see it as for a newbie to magic."

"Are you saying I have magic?" Graham asked to make sure.

"Sounds like it. I didn't know anyone was outside. I've been following this scumbag for a while. He apparently decided to hide on your property. This is your property right? It would be my luck that this is actually a Dispersion weapon testing ground."

"This is part of Moon Farms. My father owns this land."

The Spellbinder stood in thought for a second. "Moon. Sounds familiar. Well I better be going. Don't need to bother your farm-ly duties."

The Spellbinder waved his hand and lifted the other person up with his magic. He began to walk away with the body floating alongside him.

"But wait, what do I do as a Spellbinder?" Graham shouted.

The man stopped. He let out a sigh and turned around. "What you do is use magic in correct ways. Don't be like this man here. He used magic for bad, and that's why I had to put a stop to it." His eyes were an amber color. They seemed to pierce right through Graham.

"Is he dead?"

"As much as I would like to kill this man, no. He is unconscious. He needs to be out before the others for justice. Killing doesn't make an example." The man glanced at the floating body. He ran one of his hands through his light blond hair that seemed to spike forward.

Graham watched the Spellbinder. "I didn't realize that Spellbinders hunted one another, especially with the Dispersion doing it too."

"We only stop the ones who see magic as a tool for destruction or a reason to look down on others. But you see magic for what it is; gray. That means you're on the right path."

The Spellbinder wasn't making any sense to Graham. "I don't understand any of that "

"Listen kid. I can't sit here all night and teach you how to be a Spellbinder. I'm sure your family is waiting for you to go back home."

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