Chapter Seven

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Sanctum Magica was a massive underground city where all those who saw their magic as gray resided. Graham heard several other Spellbinders even calling one another "Grays" as Astra led them through the entry part of the city.

Everything in Sanctum Magica seemed to be powered or impacted by magic. The entire underground area felt as if it was daytime. Lights lit all the paths and buildings, but they gave off a blue-gray aura that reminded Graham of the trail that Ella seemed to leave around. Even now, Graham could see a faint magic trail behind her.

Graham was surprised to see a source of running water below ground too. Even that too gave off a sense of magic to him. The entire place was thriving. It was all thanks to magic.

"Magic has amazing abilities that could restore the world from the damage that the past Spellbinders had caused," Acetto explained to them all.

Astra chuckled, "He's very optimistic. The best we have now is being post-Settling."

"So do we just hide down here now, or what?" Ella asked.

Both Acetto and Astra stopped. They were several minutes into the city. The massive building that Graham had seen was still in the distance. He wondered if that might be a headquarters of some kind.

"We are not hiding," Astra corrected. "We are protecting a gift. Like Acetto mentioned, if by the grace of magic, there could be a chance for us to live in harmony. But while the other Spellbinders cause more problems and while the Dispersion see all of us as a threat, that can't happen."

Graham watched Ella's expression grow sour. He could tell she didn't like the idea of waiting around. He wasn't sure how to feel on the situation. It was all so new. He had no idea there were different kinds of Spellbinders. He had no idea that magic could be used for wonderful things. He never thought he could see the Dispersion as bad people.

"Well, we're here," Acetto said. He pointed to a small building in front of the group. "This is where newcomers can 'check in.' You all are free to do so. That way you can get a house and settle in. The higher ups will eventually send you on missions they feel your abilities fit best to, as Ella and Franklin know already. I do apologize that they sent you right out before you could get a chance to take a break."

The siblings nodded. Autumn remained silent, but her gaze was locked on the building. Graham looked to Acetto and Astra. "Where will you two go?" he asked.

"Well I'll be around to get some more training in with you, but we both have a lot of important issues to take care of. Here and elsewhere."

Graham felt sad and a little betrayed. He could tell that Acetto and Astra were important figures to this community, but Acetto had taken him away from his family. He was hoping Acetto would stay around. Instead of voicing his opinion, he nodded to the two.

"Go on then, we'll catch up later," Acetto stated as he nodded towards the check in building. The four kids started moving towards the building. Graham looked back towards Acetto and Astra, but they were gone. A lingering trail was left where they were just standing. Astra's trail was black, and Acetto's was white.

Graham blinked a few times. He wasn't sure if all the magic around was playing tricks on him or not. He decided to ignore it and continue following the group.

The process to get registered went fast. The four were already heading towards their new home. It felt weird for Graham to think about having a new home, especially when he knew his family would be looking for him.

His Spellbinder residence was bigger than his family's home. It was also made of stone and brick, with complete walls. Graham couldn't believe seeing so many buildings, shops, and houses that didn't have some sort of damage or crude construction.

"You look surprised," Ella commented.

Graham gave her a quick smile with a nod. "I am. The buildings look like a past civilization. The entire feeling of this place isn't that of a wasteland, but of a thriving place of times that we had lost."

"Kind of poetic," Autumn spoke up. The other three looked over to her. She gave them a quick half-smile and returned to her silence.

"Yeah...I guess that was," Graham replied. He was almost at a loss of words from both Autumn finally speaking and also from what he said. There was something in the magic of the Sanctum that made Graham feel strange. It didn't feel bad, but it was different enough to notice.

They entered the house. It was described as a living quarters with a shared living room and kitchen, but individual bedrooms and bathrooms. As described, the four entered into the shared living space. There was already furniture set up through out the room. A kitchen was connected directly beyond the living room. Graham didn't recognize most of the equipment and appliances in either of the rooms. It was all so clean and silver. 

The four looked around at everything and each claimed a room for themselves. Graham found the bedroom the most fascinating. It was so much bigger than his farmhouse bedroom. The bed was bigger than his parent's, and was without any patches or stitches from repairs. It looked brand new.

"How do you think the Spellbinders got this stuff?" Graham asked.

"The other territories probably," Franklin replied.

Ella sat down on the massive L-shaped couch. "Yeah, my brother's right. I think they took them from other Spellbinders that took over their cities without too much damage. Or you know, stole the stuff from the Dispersion."

"Does the Dispersion have all this? Why wouldn't they provide it to everyone else?"

Ella and Franklin both shrugged. Autumn sat on the couch too, and added, "The East will always have things they don't want to provide out here. I wouldn't be surprised if they assume everyone out here is a Spellbinder."

While Ella started asking why Autumn barely talks, Graham began to think of his father and the assignment he had received. The Dispersion wanted his father to lead an army out here.

"Have they done that before?" Graham asked before he voiced what he was thinking.

Both Ella and Autumn stopped their conversation. Ella took a second to think. "Well I was always told that's how they expanded so far in the States. Anyone not in a Dispersion uniform was a target. But they haven't done that in many years. They are more of a police force nowadays than the great threat they used to be when they rose up."

"They're going to do it again. My...uh, well I was present to hear some officers talk about recruiting veterans. They wanted to march through the midwest and south to stop any upcoming Spellbinder threats..."

The other three sat in silence. They stared at Graham. He hoped they weren't suspicious of him. He didn't want to sell out his father to them. He couldn't really stop Acetto from learning, but he knew he could trust him. These three felt trustworthy, but he also felt cautious.

"So you're not joking then?" Ella asked.

Graham shook his head. 

Autumn looked to the floor and muttered, "They'll slaughter so many innocent people."

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