Chapter Fourteen

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Spellbinders fighting Spellbinders was something that Graham never thought he would see. Magic was everywhere. Graham saw it as a mass of gray energy being thrown up as protective barriers, or as magical bolts being lobbed at opposing Spellbinders.

Graham ran from one person to the next, using his barrier to block any incoming magic. Dispersion stood on the wall defense and launched smoke grenades to disrupt as much as they could. Graham could hear his father shouting out orders to minimize any lethal weapons.

"Use smoke! Use anti-magic turrets. Do not use bullets! Some of them are on our side!"

Some Dispersion soldiers we not listening. Graham watched as several Spellbinders were shot and killed right before him. General Moon shouted at them and several other soldiers began to stop those who were using lethal forces.

Magic and energy flew overhead. Shouting and screaming was all Graham could hear. He continued to defend Spellbinders fighting to defend the defense wall. He could already feel his strength waning.

"Don't give up just yet, Graham," Acetto's voice said, coming out of the magic energy.

Graham held his shield up and looked over his arms where the gray energy came from. "Acetto?"

"Yup! I'm here. Using the magic to talk to you. Astra and I will be there soon!"

Graham felt something he had felt when he used the magic to teleport. Above him, near the wall, magic appeared. Out of the magic, Acetto and Astra appeared out of it. Behind them, dozen and dozens of Spellbinders from the Sanctum followed.

"How?" Graham asked out loud.

Acetto and Astra landed on either side of Graham. "You did it! You brought the Spellbinders together!" Astra announced.

Graham frowned. "But they're fighting and some are dying!"

"Well, we didn't expect the Dispersion to have a part in this..." Astra muttered.

Acetto added, "I'll be sure to get any lethally injured Spellbinders the best care. Hopefully we aren't too late."

"But why are you guys here?" Graham demanded. "I thought the Sanctum tried to stay away from the others."

"We did. It was young Spellbinders that approached these groups and turned the tides. We can reach peace with Dispersion and Spellbinders in one go," Acetto explained. "You have given magic a chance."

Graham wasn't sure what else to do but smile. He watched as Acetto ran into the heat of the battle. Acetto moved between Spellbinders, ignored by either side. He went to anyone who was injured and began to use magic to help stabilize them.

It wasn't long before the Spellbinders and the Dispersion witnessed Acetto tending to the injured. Both groups slowly but surely began to slow down as they watched the unique Spellbinder. 

Magic began to swirl around and hover as if it were dust settling. Graham could see the hints of blue growing more and more apparent. He began to wonder if they were all wrong. Perhaps magic had a true color, and everyone was too blind to see it. The farmer boy didn't feel alone in that. His friends also stared in awe at the lingering energy. Dispersion and opposing Spellbinders alike, watched the strange marvel that was happening.

Graham could see a smile spread on Acetto's face. In a blink of an eye, both Acetto and Astra disappeared. No one else seemed to notice. Graham began to wonder if they might of been instruments in a plan to bring peace to the world. Perhaps they were truly ancient Spellbinders that just needed the right people to come along during the right time.

"Is this real?" Ella asked.

"It is!" Autumn announced with excitement. "It seems we are all finally witnessing what magic truly looks like."

Franklin chuckled. "How could we all have been so wrong?"

Graham knew why. He wasn't sure exactly how he knew, but everything in his being told him why. "It's because we're all together again. It's how people and magic should have been all those years ago."

"So maybe witnessing Acetto help out everyone in need, we could finally realize that we're not different..." Autumn added.

Graham nodded. "I believe that is correct. There's been such a divide for so long, it's seeded into all our lives that magic is one way. We warped our gifts into tools of power or selfishness. Now, magic is a gift to be treasured by all."

The other three nodded and continued to look at the marvel of magic. The energy slowly lifted into the air, disappearing from everyone. After moments of silence, Spellbinders and like minded Dispersion were helping each other out. Medics had come out to finish treating anyone that Acetto had helped. There were no causalities to Graham's surprise.

Spellbinders could hear several groups of outraged Dispersion. General Moon assured everyone that they had not witnessed what had happened, and it will take time for people to accept Spellbinders still. Graham knew that would happen, but with the help of the good Dispersion, it would be easy to do. Magicless people were still out there, and some were scared or angry at Spellbinders. He knew it was going to take time for people to change their minds and grow out of their passed down habits of hatred and ignorance.

The four young Spellbinders did what they could to help out. Eventually Spellbinders began to make agreements with generals and soldiers, including General Moon. They agreed to enforce protection for everyone, Spellbinders and the magic less. Graham told his father that he would like to be a part of this movement.

"It'll be a lot of work to convince everyone. What did you have in mind?" the General asked.

"I would like to travel. I want to tell this story to everyone. Of course I want my friends to come with me too."

The General nodded. "Do you think this story might help people understand?"

"I do. I think with the help from my friends, and perhaps you too, people will understand that change can happen and be for the better."

The General smiled at his son. Graham smiled back. "You're right, son. I think that is a great idea. But I do think we should go home first. I think your mother might be worried still."

Graham's eyes widened. "Oh, you're right!" In a few seconds, Graham gathered his friends and father. He used his magic, now a calm blue, to teleport them back to his farm. Everyone was surprised he was able to do that, including Graham himself. In his excitement of not needing a vessel or a leyline of magic, Graham figured he could come back to that later. For now, he was excited to see his mother again.

The farm boy was back on his farm once again. A place where he discovered magic held a much more exciting life for him, and it would be the place that he would return to after magic was truly discovered for everyone.

                                                                                  THE END

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