Chapter Thirteen

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Graham, Franklin, Ella, and Autumn were already on their way to Dispersion territory. There was no time to wait any longer. The Spellbinders in the Sanctum were content in their lifestyle, while risking the lives of the innocent people that might get in the way.

"You can already see their border from here," Ella stated. She pointed out towards the horizon. Graham thought it was more land to cover, but instead he could see a massive wall guarding what he assumed was the Dispersion land. The wall was covered in lights, technology, and massive gates and doorways. He had been told they were advanced, but he had no idea how much they had.

"I'm surprised that they don't share this tech with the rest of us," Franklin muttered.

Graham agreed. Their border defense reminded him of the stories from before magic. The valley that stood between them and the border defense, was barren and devoid of all life and foliage. It matched exactly how the majority of the land was outside of the occasional farm. 

The wind picked up as the four began to descend into the valley. The border defense grew larger and larger with each step.

Autumn broke the silence. "Any plan for what you're going to say?"

Graham didn't break his stride down the hill. "Not exactly, but I imagine it'll come to me easier once I see that we have a bunch of Spellbinders behind us."

Ella and Franklin both turned back towards the top of the hill. "I hope they show up soon," Ella added. Franklin nodded in agreement.

"They will, I'm sure," the farmer said confidently. "Together we can stand against the concept of their march and murder. We can live in peace, I'm sure of it."

The other three others cheered together.

Before they knew it, the border defense towered above the four of them. Spotlights passed over them, swaying slowly in a rhythmic pattern.

"Doesn't look like they have patrols up top. I wonder if there are people right on the other side," Ella asked.

The sound of the spotlights buzzing, and the technology bleeping and blooping, made it hard to hear anything beyond. None of them knew how thick the defense went. Graham decided it was time to knock on the door. It was a large metal garage, similar to ones he had seen traders use to store things in the city. The farmer boy's knocks barely made a sound against the rigged metal surface. He sat back and waited to see if there was a response.

"I think we might need more than that," Franklin responded.

Graham nodded and beckoned all of them to start pounding on the garage. The noise of all of their hands and fists slamming against the large door became louder than the noise from the technology.

Soon, the metal door began to rise. The four of them braced themselves for what would be on the other side. Graham expected a vast land of green grasses and towns and cities that he had been told about in stories. Instead, to his surprise, just beyond the defense wall, there were hundreds of thousands of Dispersion soldiers all in formation. They were broken up into large groups that were all responding to a general that stood before them. The wall defense had massive ramps and stairs that led down to where all these soldiers were getting orders.

Graham stepped forward. A loud sound wavered through the air at him, causing him to shield himself and his friends. A strange purple energy hit his shield. Graham could feel his power weaken on impact. It was the anti-magic technology he had heard so much about.

A spotlight looked at the four of them from a tower amidst the crowds of soldiers. A loud voice yelled, "Halt! Spellbinders are not allowed in Dispersion territory. You are violating our laws and have forfeit to be prisoners of the Dispersion." All soldiers and generals turned to the defense, all with weapons raised.

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