Chapter Eleven

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Graham opened his eyes to see Verae cowering several feet away. His large body shook vigorously.

"Verae, what happened?!" another Spellbinder shouted. The other White Magic Spellbinders looked as if they were beaten up. Their clothes were torn and covered in dirt.

The farmer boy looked to his friends. Ella and Franklin were both covered in sweat and a few bruises.

Franklin looked back to him. "Glad to see you're alright. We managed to keep them away from you. Not sure what more they would have done on this end of things."

"What happened to you?" Autumn asked. She was kneeling beside Graham, holding him.

"They used some sort of mind magic on me...for their converting. Acetto appeared and gave me the willpower to kick Verae out of my mind."

Ella and Franklin both looked at one another. "Mind magic?" she asked. "They didn't tell us about that." Her brother shook his head for added emphasis.

"Acetto was there?" Autumn also asked.

Graham nodded. "The magic is rare, but it seems it's the specialty of the White Magic Spellbinders. He told me so."

The other three looked at one another. "I knew he was powerful, but also being able to perform more than one kind of magic, and be good enough at it like that, is incredible," Ella explained.

"Autumn did tell me how Spellbinders tend to  excel in one area of magic over the other," Graham added.

Franklin nodded, "Discussing magic is all fine and well, but we should get moving."

They all agreed. None of the four Spellbinders said a word until they could barely see the encampment in the distance. The White Magic Spellbinders left them alone after what they had done to Verae and his companions. Graham expected some of the council to chase after them, assuming those were the most powerful of the White Magic Spellbinders, but luckily, no one came out of the large hut.

Soon, the sun was beginning to set and the four kids reached the old subway cart.

"I was almost worried this wouldn't be here when we got back," Ella chuckled.

Autumn chuckled a little too and said, "Well we are lucky in that most of the wandering Spellbinders, or even the White and Black magic ones tend to travel by foot in hopes to find more recruits."

"Perhaps one of these days, they will see they are using magic in wrong ways," Franklin said.

Graham wondered if any of the other Spellbinders did think about magic in any other way. Was it possible to use magic in excess and not be blinded by the different looks on it? He wasn't sure. The Spellbinders in the Sanctum had magic all around, and yet they were not dedicated to being better than anyone or warmongering.

The farm boy entered the cart first. He hesitated when a wave of dizziness came over him. He sat down on the nearest bench of seats.

"Are you okay, Graham?" Autumn asked.

"I think I'm still not feeling recovered from Verae's attacks."

"Will we be safe out here?" Autumn asked the others. "I don't think I could transport us back to Sanctum."

Franklin waved his hand through the air, as if he was trying to feel the line of magic that came to the cart. "I could try, but I also don't know if I'd be able to. Never attempted it."

"I don't think either of us could, brother," Ella admitted coldly.

Franklin frowned. "Well we were trained in offensive magic first...I didn't even think Graham would be able to do it either, no offense."

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