Chapter 1 ~ The Beginning

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You'd think that the day you find out that your pregnant would be the best day of you life! But not for me, I was anything but happy! I had just broken up with my boyfriend Rylee Goodman, and my relationship with my mom and dad wasn't to great. I also couldn't ride for about 9 months! The worst part was, that I'm pretty sure that this is Rylees baby! A week before he dumped me it all happened!

I had no idea what to say or anything! I just went about my day like any other, "Kassidy! Get your butt down here now!" I heard my mom calling from the kitchen. "Coming!" I yelled as I hide the test. "What do you need?" I asked, "Your stupid colt got out last night and is runnin round making a mess." She said, "Oh, ok I'll go get him." I said. I was her least favorite child and as some say her "disappointment." Even though I didn't do anything wrong besides this. But no one besides me knows.

I have 4 horses, my green broke grulla colt Casper, my main mount red roan barrel horse Rose, my main mount palomino ropin horse Nala, and lastly my jet black back up barrel and ropin horse Luke.

I caught Casper and put him away.

I longed so badly to ride, I knew better than that but I did it anyways. I got out Rose and saddled her up and took her on our favorite trail that leads to a big meadow.

We took off right when my sister Brooke was coming out to exercise her horses. "Hey Kass!" She said, but I pretended like I didn't hear her.

We got to the trail head and headed up. I was thinking and talking to Rose, "Rose what I'm supposed to do? I CANT tell mom or dad, I really don't want to tell Rylee. I mean I can tell Brooke..." I trailed off talking about it. "I just don't know what to do girl!" I said as I burst into tears. I was crying the whole way up to the meadow.

She stopped when we got up to the top, and I looked up and it was beautiful! I stopped crying and I had my decision, I was going to tell Brooke and only Brooke, and leave with the horses.

I hopped off and before I left I took pictures so I could remember how amazing this place is, and I hurried and knelt down and said a little prayer that everything would be fine. I hopped back on my horse and we headed back home.

I sent a text to Brooke telling her that we are going to go for a ride wither she wanted to or not. I got Luke out and put his saddle on him and unsaddled Rose and put her away in her stall.

"Are you ready?" I asked Brooke when she got in the barn, "Well, not quite yet seeing as I just got here!" She said, "Ok. Hurry up then!" I told her.

Brooke saddled up her sorrel paint mare Josie and we were off. "What I'm going to tell you you CANT tell anyone else, especially mom and dad." I told her when we were about half way through the trail. "Ok, is everything ok?" She asked me, "You also have to promise not to do anything to stop me." I said, "Ok I promise." She said, "Ok, sorry if I start crying, but I'm pregnant, and I'm taking my horses and my stuff when I start to show. So in about a month I'm leaving and it'll be in the night so that no one knows except you and me. You can't tell anyone! I promise I'll keep in touch with you though!" I told her as I started crying, "OH MY GOSH! Kassidy! I won't stop you, or tell, but why and who? And are you not excited at all? And you shouldn't be riding!" She said in a jumble, "I think it's Rylees baby, and I know I shouldn't be riding, but I'm not excited, I have to leave, I have to support a child all on my own! I also can't ride! What about Casper's training?!" I said as we entered the meadow.

"Kassidy! When did you find out? You need to tell Rylee! And if needed I can take Casper for a little while!" She said, "I found out today, but I've been feeling sick and been forget full the past like week! And I am not telling him. He'll hate me even more!" I said, "Ok fine, but where are you going to go?" She asked yet again, "I'm going to find a place within the next week and get everything sorted out." I told her.

We got back home and we unsaddled and put the horses away. I went inside straight up to my room and wrote a list of everything I'd need to find before leaving.

My list:
Far away town

I got out my computer and started looking for good towns to go to. I've lived in Wyoming my whole life and I dreaded leaving, but my best option is to leave the state. I found some nice towns in Utah, Idaho, and Colorado. I decided that I'd try and find a house/apartment to rent somewhere in Utah.

It was 1 am when I checked the time so I decided to go to bed and quit the waterworks. I got my makeup off even though it was almost all gone from tears, and I undid my hair, put on my favorite pjs and crawled in the covers and was out like a light.

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