Chapter 1

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Logan's POV

"Agent Logan Skyler, report to Captain Sanders immediately." The intercom said loudly. I turned my time off on my watch after slowing down and groaned. I picked up my bag and threw my sweatpants on over my shorts. I gave a short wave to Emilia to say I had to go. She nodded to acknowledge me and kept punching a bag working on her speed and strength. I grinned a little because of her ferociousness. She was trying so hard to be better than her sister, Calianda.

I walked quickly to the office where I found my brother, James, and two other fellow agents, Miguel and Anthony. I sighed realizing that whatever was happening, I was the only girl at the moment. Great.

I nodded at each of them and stood in line waiting for Captain Sanders to come in.

"Logan, you look 5 times hotter after you were running." Anthony whispered loudly to me from across the room. Me and James both glared at him, even though I knew he was just joking around... kind of. Since we'd all grown up together and didn't get out much since we were growing up undercover in a secret agency, we didn't get to be with many kids our age. It was worse for me and Calianda and Emilia because we were the only girls. That meant that pretty much every guy besides our brothers had ended up with a crush on us at some point. Besides my brother, Miguel, and Anthony, there was also Ty, Tristan, Toby, Malachi, and Butch. We were all anywhere from 13-18 years old. There were a lot of younger kids, but that was mostly because of Emilia's family. The Hernandez's had 8 children. Christian, the oldest, was 20. Then there was Calianda, Miguel, Emilia, Malachi, Juan, Marissa, and Chaz who were 18, 16, 16, 14, 11, 8, And 5 respectively. Emilia and Miguel were twins, and exactly a month younger than me. They were like my adopted family, which was helpful because me and James lost our parents when I was 8 and he was 9. It made us depend on each other more and we became really close after that. The agency families just took care of us because they couldn't really let us go to a "normal" foster/adoption family since we knew agency things. Everyone made a group decision to take care of us, so that's what we did. There was a total of 5 families with kids, including us and the Hernandez's, plus a bunch of individuals and couples. We were one big happy family and team.

Captain Sanders walked in. He looked serious, as always, but almost with a hint of excitement. I stood as straight up as possible, ready for anything.

Sanders sat down, and gave us stern looks. "Agents, I have a special job for you." He handed me the folder with all the information, to which the boys all but Miguel protested to.

"Why's she get it?"

"I'm older than Logan!"

"That's not fair!"

I just smirked at them. Miguel shrugged, "Guys, shut it! As much as I hate to admit it, She's the most responsible and level headed out of all of us. She's going to lead."

I looked at him surprised and Captain Sanders gave true same response. "Agent Miguel, that was very mature of you. Thank you. And boys, that's why I'm putting Agent Logan in charge. She doesn't complain about it and she's responsible. Now I know that you will all be helpful and take care of his mission, doing it to the best of your ability." He raised an eyebrow and we nodded to acknowledge him. "I am putting you guys undercover in Mattoon High School. It's a small city school by Omaha, Nebraska. The governor's sons go there. The younger one is a junior, and his older brother teaches Science classes and is a coach there. They're both very athletic, active young men, and I've chosen you four to take care of them. I know you've heard of all the death threats that Governor Mason has been receiving, and some are directed at his sons, so it's your job to keep them safe. We've set you up so at least two of you in each of his classes, and James, Miguel, you will play football to be on the team with them. Anthony and Logan, you two will just try your best to be friends with them, but don't throw yourself at them. Find connecting points. Logan, this may be harder for you since you're a girl. I picked you because you are the more athletic girl out of the group we have in hand. We have a house for you guys to live in for now. It's got 3 rooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and living room. There's a profile about it in the back of that folder. You will stay there as long as needed, and again, you are undercover."

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