Chapter 11

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Derek's POV

Football season was over. We were state qualifiers, but we got shut down by the underdog team. It humbled our team though, which was ok.

I had been hanging out with Logan a lot and I was sure she liked me too. But I decided I was going to be patient and wait, since we still had only known each other for a couple weeks.

James and I became pretty good friends too and we hung out almost as often as I did with Logan, sometimes it was all three of us. It was weird though because I still felt like I didn't know them very well. They said they saw their parents every couple weeks, but they never let me meet them. It was weird but I believed them that it was just complicated.

I was getting scared because security at my home had tightened up like crazy. My dad was getting threats of all sorts because the people didn't agree with some of his views, and that was usual but his amount of threats weren't. They tried to keep it under lock and key and not let me know, but I still found out for most of them. There were a couple attempts, but all of them had gotten blocked and taken care of which I was thankful for. I prayed about safety every day, and I wondered if me or Ethan or Mom would be have any attempts, or worse, made for us. That scared me bad. Logan noticed and she could see right through me. It was only a couple days before she figured out what the problem was and said she'd be praying. I wasn't as scared, I had more of a peace, and I was clinging to Psalms, feeling like David running from Saul.

One day, after school, I was working at the soup kitchen. Logan came with me, she had been helping there too and thought it was really fun to be there.

We sat at a table eating and as we got done, I got a text that my dad had been shot at again and they didn't know if he was ok or not. I broke down, yelling and angry. Logan took me out back and gave me a hug until I was ok. She listened to everything I said and squeezed my hand as she prayed.

"Logan, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to deal with that." I apologized after a while.

"No, it's ok. It's my job." She said with an encouraging smile.

I have a short laugh, "Your job is to keep me from hurting things or getting hurt?" I laughed again and she gave a nervous laugh. I didn't know what it was for, but ignored it and we talked for a while.

She walked with me home and came in to see my mom.

"Shauna? Are you here?" She called out as I sat on the couch.

Mom answered from the kitchen and came out. Logan gave her a hug and mom broke down crying. It had been hard on her too. It seemed like we were the last ones to find out where Dad was and if he was ok in these attacks. I stood up and came to Mom to give her a hug. "It's going to be ok. God has a plan, no matter what." Logan said. 

Ethan ran in from where he had been pacing by the phones, waiting for news. "He's ok! The man was caught and arrested and he missed Dad when it happened. Dads in hiding until they make sure that guy was he only one, but we'll be able to call him. They're connecting us right now." He exclaimed and we ran in there.

I thought Logan had came with us but after talking to Dad and hearing that he was ok, I couldn't find her, but found a note saying she left us for privacy and to call her if needed. She had helped so much and I couldn't even keep her to say thanks.

The next day at school I made sure I thanked Logan in person. She just gave me a smile and passed it off as her "duty". I think she felt responsible for me and that's why she was saying the stuff about her job and duty, but I didn't know for sure so I didn't mess with it.

School was peaceful at first after I talked to her. But then, during second block, shots went off and everyone freaked out. The intercom sounded, "Shooter in the building in east wing in Science room. Follow protocol." My heart dropped and I couldn't think about anything except wanting to get Logan out and make sure she was safe. I turned to look at her. 

Logan looked at me with wide eyes and did something with her watch and then talked into it. I didn't think it was a smart watch, so I was confused. Our teacher locked he door since we were too close to the shooter to evacuate our the door. The teacher was to be evacuating us out the window.

My mind finally started working. Ethan's room was in that wing. Most likely, that shooter was going after Ethan. He could be hurt or worse. And I was supposed to leave? I ran for the door without thinking about the consequences of my quick decision and Logan tackled me. I sat up completely shocked.

"No. You're coming with me." I looked at her confused. Was she one of the people after us?

"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you. Nows the best time to tell you, I'm an agent. I'm sorry it's under these circumstances, but it's literally my job to get you to safety. Ethan will be ok, Trey and Anthony and James are with him. They're the best at this." She pulled me up.

"Wait, so this whole thing is a joke? You don't like me or-" I started and she cut me off while digging in her bag and pockets pulling random trinkets out.

"No. We're not going there right now. I like you, Derek. And this wasn't a joke. In fact, it's the most serious I've ever been about liking someone. Ok? And don't even ask if I'm not even a Christian, or anything like that. Because I am, and that's what I love about you the most is you're a Christian too." She was speaking to me a hugely serious conversation while not even making eye contact because she was pulling things out and setting things up. I didn't want it to go that way, but I understood we didn't really have a choice. I was slightly hurt, but I wasn't thinking about it that much, I was numb with the fact that my brother was actually being shot at, at least that's what it sounded like she said. 

"Ok. Ok. Not now. We are not talking about this right now. What do I need to do?"

The teacher walked over to us. "Logan, Derek, lets leave now." He said authoritatively. "And Logan, what are you doing?" I could see him sighing inwardly.  He was probably reconsidering his life choices at the moment. 

She flipped out a wallet from a pocket, showing him a badge. His eyes got huge. "I'm under strict orders to keep Derek here unless otherwise directed by officials or until is it safe to not do so. You are under strict orders to keep a watch over the rest of your class. So...." she trailed off and he nodded.

"Ok. Yes ma'am." He went out the window following his students and I gave a small, forced smile.

"Ok, here's the plan, Derek."

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