Chapter 9

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Derek's POV

I texted Logan that night because I was bored. Okay, so maybe I just wanted to talk to her anyway, but still. I was hanging out Jaden and Cameron. She said she got dragged into watching a movie with the boys but that it was at least a good movie. I told her maybe we could watch one sometime, and I think she caught on. She said maybe, which I think for her is an actual maybe. It could be a yes, could be a no, but she had to be leaning on one side or the other. I didn't push it though, so we talked about other stuff. It was nice to be able to talk to someone, especially Logan. She was cool.

The boys were messing around with me about how I was head over heals and all that, but I wasn't. Was I? I knew I didn't love her, I was too young for that, but was it possible this was a little more than a crush? These things were confusing. 

Sunday rolled around eventually, but it sure took its time. I woke uup at 6 to get ready. Church started at 9:30 and we tried to leave around 9.

I was excited for the day and got ready in a few minutes and had nothing to do but keep making sure I looked ok and helping the rest of my family hurry up.

We left at 9:03, one of the earliest tones we've ever left, and I stood at my usual place by the door with the rest of the teenager boys, opening the door for everyone. I saw James, Miguel, and Logan. I brushed my shirt down, making sure it looked ok, and opened the door for them.

Anthony wasn't a Christian, and didn't want to come to church, but everyone else was coming to my house afterwards and going to meet my parents.

"Hey, thanks for coming you guys!" I said to them as they came in. Logan grinned at me and James looked around, taking it in.

"This is a nice church." James observed, walking around a little.

Logan and Miguel nodded in agreement. I just smiled. "Uh, Tony, Blake, these are my friend from school. James, Miguel, and Logan." I pointed to them as I said their names. "And this is Tony, and Blake. Logan, that's Alyssa, and Anna over there." Logan was the only one that really seemed to be listening. James was nodding, but he was still lookin around, it made me laugh. Miguel was looking at Alyssa, who was staring at him. I laughed inwardly about that. He turned red and gave a shy smile, and then faced me. He noticed I had seen it and turned even more red , so I gave him an encouraging smile which he returned.

Blake flashed his perfect smile at Logan. "Howdy, nice to meet ya, Logan. Pretty name for a pretty girl." He nodded at Logan and she smiled back, turning a little red. Blake was like that. He was always nice and had good manners, especially around girls. He was the best at respecting women, for someone my age, anyways.

"So, are you a farmer or cowboy or something?" She asked, seeming intrigued with him.

"Or something." I laughed, and Blake laughed with me.

"Yeah, I live on a farm with my parents. Anna there is my sister. What about you?"

"That's cool. I used to live on a farm, but we had to move for job complications. I like your boots. I've got a similar pair, which I usually wear, except for when I'm at church or other stuff."

Logan and Blake were in their own world, and I was a little jealous of Blake, but I knew him well enough that I wasn't concerned about anything. They kept talking and Tony walked over to me. "I've never seen you jealous of a girl before, Derek. But now I see it in your eyes. You like her don't you." He didn't even ask, he just stated it. I gave a guilty smile and a nod and he chuckled to himself. "Well, now that that's cleared up," he winked at me, "Sunday school is going to start, we need to get downstairs." Tony lead the way and we all followed him to our classroom. The high schoolers had a small room downstairs, by the kitchen, and we all filed in, looking for spots to sit. David, our Sunday school teacher grinned at us as we walked in. Anna and Alyssa sat down in a corner, and we all sat down too, pulling extra chairs. Somehow, Miguel ended up by Alyssa, Logan ended up between me and Blake with James across from her. Everyone else just piled in. David gave his flashy grin and welcomed everyone. He was really fun and loved to act like a teenager, but was still really mature when he needed to be. He was in his 50s but could still keep up (for the most part) with his teenage class in things like basketball and ultimate frisbee. I loved him, he was like my uncle.

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