Chapter 13

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Derek's POV

Since they were no longer undercover, they had to go, I realized. Logan told me that she would talk to their captain and see if we could still keep in contact.

I asked her to have one last dinner with us before she had to disappear, and she was able to the next night.

As soon as she walked in the door, Mom attacked her in a hug. I had told her everything, including the fact that Logan didn't have parents, and Mom was set on showing her appreciation for everything, however she had to.

"Shauna, for goodness' sake, let her breathe!" Dad exclaimed as he walked in.

Mom let her go, reluctantly, and hurried to the kitchen to make sure he food was ready. Dad put his arm around Logan and they walked side by side like that into the dining room.

"You look pretty good for a man that's been about killed numerous times recently. That's great to see." Logan said to him.

He squeezed her tighter and I could see him holding back a chuckle. "I'm glad to see you're ok, after everything that's happened." Dad replied. "I'm going to go help Shauna. Thanks for coming, Logan." He released her and went to the kitchen.

She turned around to face me and I saw a big smile on her face. "I love your parents. Actually, I love your family."

I walked up to her side and we walked up to the table. "What's wrong? You look sad?" She asked.

I gave a small smile, "Well, honestly, I'm a little jealous of all the hugs I'm not getting." She bit back a laugh and took a step closer to me.

She planted a short, sweet kiss on my cheek and said through a short laugh"How's that?"

"I'd like a real one better but that will do for now." I muttered and she laughed.

We are a huge supper. There was steak, potatoes and gravy, corn, rolls, and pie.

We FaceTimed Ethan, so that Logan could see him and say bye since she'd be leaving the next morning. She had visited him a couple times and talked to him about who knows what, and he told us that we should leave the hospital for a night and hang out with her. I knew I'd be back at the hospital the next morning.  He was doing really well, and the doctors said he was recovering really fast for how much blood he lost. I visited him every day, because our school had closed for a couple days so they could work on new security. They were going to bring in a couple police officers in instead of Logan and the guys. Hopefully that would help. Me and Logan walked to the entry way area before she was leaving. Mom and Dad walked in to say bye and Mom was crying. Dad was smiling sadly, and I shared the same expression. Logan comforted them that she'd visit if possible and she's call when she could, not knowing when that would be. She gave them both hugs and they waved as we walked out to her car. She stopped at Rusty, one of our guards, the head guard, and she grinned as she shook his hand. "Pleasure workin with you, Rusty. Keep them safe. If you don't, I will personally wring your neck." She said with some humor mixed into truth. He grinned and laughed, giving her a hug.

"Oh I will, ma'am. I like my neck how it is." We all shared a laugh. "Take care Logan."

She waved and we kept walking. We got to her car and I didn't know what to do.

"Logan, I don't want you to go." I blurted out. She gave a sad smile and hugged me. We stayed in a hug for a couple minutes, talking, as she kept her head buried in my chest. I liked that feeling.

"I'll talk to you, somehow. Whether Captain says I can or can't. I'll make a way." She laughed and I could tell she didn't cry but she laughed when she was sad.

"Logan, take care of yourself. And the other guys. And thanks again, for everything. You've been a huge part of my life in these short couple weeks. I'm going to miss you so much."

She gave me a sweet smile and kissed me. For real, on the lips this time.

I was in a daze and she hadn't even had to say anything. "Maybe you should leave more often." I stuttered out, getting her to laugh, not thinking about what I was saying. Ethan wasn't going to believe me. Actually, he probably would, I think he saw this coming. 

"See you later Derek." She said simply, pulling herself closer into me.

I huffed, sad that she wasn't staying. "Yeah. I'll see you later. This is not a goodbye." I clarified. I felt her laugh in my chest.

After she left, I went back in to find my mom and Dad grinning from ear to ear. They had seen the whole thing from the window, I didn't even have to explain anything to them.

"I'm going to miss her," Dad said after a long silence.

"Me too." Mom said.

"Me three!" I exclaimed and Dad chuckled, giving me a side hug with his arm that wasn't around mom.

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