{5. Blushing}

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Ariana Grande

I was all set for English. I got my notebook and textbook from my locker then slid them in my bag. I inserted my little schedule paper inbetween my gold iPhone 5S and my phone's case.

Since my uncle's new wife (since his old wife, my real aunt, has another family) is the Grade Level Head for 12th Grade, she gave me a private tour of the building 5 days ago. Per subject, there are 2 rooms. You actually get to choose your own room! You can pick where your friends are, or which teacher is more kind. It's such a sweet life for us HWH students.

While I was walking towards my English room (the one where the teacher was really good friends with my aunt, the GLH) when suddenly a dude was walking towards me.

He had tattoos all over his arms and nice black hair in a quiffed style. He wore a gray shirt which showed off his biceps, and black ripped jeans. On him, he had a black Jansport backpack and a pair of Rayban Aviator shades. I didn't realize I was staring, and he was walking towards me.

"Hi." he said. I smiled, saying, "Hi! I'm Ariana Grande, but I prefer you to call me Ari." He slyly smiled and said, "I'm Zayn, Zayn Malik." seriously, then said, "Call me DJ Malik. Just kidding!" with a laugh at the end. I also laughed.

"So what do you need, Zayn?" I said. "Well Ari," he said in a semi-thick British accent, "I need to get to my English Language class, but I don't know where it is." I nodded and said, "Oh... Cool! I also have to get to English Language by now. 10 minutes to bell."

"Yes! Massive thanks! So can I go with you?" he loudly cheered. I laughed and nodded. "Just follow me." I said. We walked towards the English room I wanted to go to and talked on the way.

"So, where do you come from?" I asked.

"I'm British, but I went here with my family to live a fresh life."

"Oh, okay. So...."

"So, what?"

I bursted into laughter. The words so and what together makes me laugh if it's in a dumb question-y manner and not in a sassy question-y manner.

Zayn gave me a confused look. I just chuckled and shook it off. I looked at Zayn while we were walking. He had good looks, but not the good looks that I would like to see in a guy.

I used to have a boyfriend, his name is Jai. Jai's last name was Brooks. He had a number of brothers. They were in a small group called the Janoskians. Then Jai started acting mean, and he had plans with other girls. So I got over him and didn't have another boyfriend since then. I've only had 3 boyfriends so far. Jai Brooks , Nathan Skyes (he cheated on me), and Justin Bieber (I wanted to break-up with him).

I didn't notice that Zayn was just walking as I was walking, even though I zoned out and didn't focus on the way. But we still walked the right path.

We arrived there in silence, and entered the room. He opened the door for me and I said, "Why thank you, kind sir." He laughed and shook his head. "No worries, madam."

I laughed and took a seat on a vacant chair. 3 minutes until the bell. Zayn sat infront of me. On his left was a curly-headed boy. His hair was not so curly, but not straight. On his right was a brunette with quiffed hair like his. He looked good, and had big biceps. Infront of him was another brunette, but this one had his hair down. He had tattoos on his arms, but not all over it.

On my left was a girl with straight, brown hair. She was beautiful and thin. On my right was a blonde boy. His hair was down and he looked so hot, I almost melted.

The bell rang. I shook my thoughts off so they won't disturb me. My English teacher entered the room.

She smiled when she saw me and I smiled back. "Good morning class. Welcome to my class. In this class we will learn about English. Language only, but we will be also having a lot of varieted activities and lessons."

"By the way, my name is Camille Burt. I am not married, and I am 34 years old. We will be using the 50 minutes given to us to get to know one another." she said.

"Okay. So the first activity we will do is a get-to-know-your-seatmate activity. Let's start. Face to the one on your left and say these sentences. I will say the word 'blank'  and you will have to fill-in your answer. Got that?" she said. We all nodded.

"So here are the sentences." she said. "Hi, I am blank. My full name is blank, but my friends call me blank. I like blank. I am a/an blank." she read aloud. I faced the girl on my left and she faced me. I smiled to her and said, "Hi, I'm Ariana Grande. My full name is Ariana Grande-Butera, but my nick name is Ari. I like doing girly things, singing, acting, and eating sweets. I am a Vegetarian." She smiled at me.

Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to my right and saw the hot guy smiling. I blushed like crazy, he was so handsome. He said to me, "Hi, I am Niall Horan. My full name is Niall James Horan, but my nick name is Niall or Nialler. I like singing, eating, and making others laugh. I am an Irish lad." I smiled at him. I looked at his eyes. Oh my Lord.

His eyes were light blue, they looked like round glaciers. They were icy and blue. His eyes were so sparkly and beautiful, I could stare at them for hours and not get tired of them.

"Okay, now say that same thing to the person on your right." teacher said.

I said to him the things I told the girl. He smiled. And I blushed again. I could not stop blushing, seriously.

The girl tapped on my shoulder and described herself as Selena, the singing dancer. I laughed.


We continued on with the English period. While our teacher was writing something on the board, Niall passed me a small paper.

call or text me ;)

my Kik: @not_in_de_niall

my cell: ××××-×××-××××


I faced him and nodded, blushing. A hot guy gave me his contact info, and I didn't even ask! Wow!


Author's Note:


I tried making this long. Don't complain.

I MADE THIS CHAPTER IN MORE OR LESS 3 HOURS! Consider that too long for a chapter? Well, ekskyoowz me! I have been busy!

I had to go to school in the morning, then I went home to have lunch, then my mom brought me and my brother to Krispy Kreme to study for our exams, then we stayed at my dad's office, then we had dinner at our other house, then went here to our condo, then I took a bath, and now I'm writing my chappie!

It has been a long day for me, and at the time I am writing/I wrote this chapter my exams start tomorrow! Ugh!

So next chappie comes next week. But I may write it starting tomorrow (since it's night here) and continue writing until I get it all done. Then I'll upload the chappie next week.

So yeah! Too tired for more already so good morning/noon/afternoon/eveninh/night to you all!




I love you all so much! Bye!


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