Chapter Seventeen (Scott McCall)

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I knocked on Stiles’ door and waited for him to open it. I could hear the faint sounds of paper printing and the continuous clicking of a computer mouse. The door opens and Stiles looks flustered, motioning me in rapidly.

“Get in. You have to see this. I’ve been reading. Websites, books, all this information,” he informs me, sitting down in his computer chair and naming of the references on his fingers. As I take off my jacket and throw it on his bed, Stiles grabs printouts from his printer and pulls the computer screen around so I can see the many websites he’s pulled up. I look at him curiously, seeing him practically ready to jump out of his skin.

“How much Adderall have you had today?” I ask. He rolls his eyes at me.

“A lot. Doesn’t matter. Just listen.”

“Is this about the body? Did they find who did it?” It’s been four days since I found the body and still no news about who killed the girl have arisen.

“No, they’re still questioning people. Even Derek Hale-”

“The guy from the woods?” What if he was the murderer? We were in the woods alone with the lunatic.

“Yeah but that’s not it.” I was getting impatient, not liking that Stiles was wasting my time I could be using to prepare for the party tonight.

“What then?”

“Remember the joke the other day?” I nodded my head at him, rolling my eyes at him because it was the dumbest thing I had ever heard come from Stiles’ mouth. “Not a joke anymore.” He looks away from me and back to his screen, beginning to scroll down on a website. I sighed and went over to sit on his bed, waiting while he came up with some crazy theory. “The wolf? The bite in the woods? I started doing all this reading and…do you even know why a wolf howls?” I shook my head as he turned around to look at me for my answer.

“Should I?”

“It’s a signal. When a wolf is alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. So if you heard it howling, that means there’s others. Maybe a whole pack of them.” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, not seeing what this had to do with his theory of me being a werewolf.

“A pack of wolves?”

“No. Werewolves.” I waited for him to break out into laughter and tell me it was a joke like last time but he didn’t.

“You’re seriously wasting my time with this? You know, I’m picking Allison up in an hour.”

“I saw you on the field, Scott. What you did wasn’t just amazing. It was impossible.” Thanks for the support Stiles.

“So I made a good shot.”

“No, you made an incredible shot. The way you moved, the speed, your reflexes. People can’t suddenly do that overnight. And then there’s the hearing, the senses, and don’t think I haven’t noticed you don’t need your inhaler anymore. You haven’t used it since that night.” I got up from the bed and walked over to the door, ready to leave.

“I can’t think about this now. We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?”

“Tomorrow? Don’t you get it? The full moon is tonight!” I turned away from the door, staring his straight on.

“What are you trying to do? I just made starting lineup. I have a date with a girl I can’t believe wants to go out with me.” He was just ruining everything with his stupid nonsense. “Everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?” Stiles looked at me in shock.

“I’m trying to help! With the full moon, it’s going to be too hard to resist and there’s no going back. You’re cursed, Scott. And it’s not only that the moon causes you to change, it’s also when your bloodlust will be at its peak.” Unbelievable…


“Your urge to kill.”

“I’m already starting to have an urge to kill, Stiles.”

“You need to hear this.” He turned back to his computer screen and scrolled down the list, reading what it said to me. The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse.” He turned back to me and looked me full on, a serious face plastered on his face. “And I haven’t seen anybody raise your pulse like Allison does. You have to cancel your date. You have to call her.” Now he wants me to cancel a date with a girl that I’m surprised wants to even be associated with me. Stiles gets up from his chair and grabs my jacket, pulling my cell phone out. I sigh, not having time for his antics anymore.

“What are you doing? Give me that.”

“I’m just finding her number-” He doesn’t finish because I lunge at him, taking my phone back.

Give it to me.” My voice sounds odd to me and alien. I temporarily lose control and only faintly realize that I have my best friend up against a wall, my fist close to punching him in the face. I shake my head and swipe at his chair, sending it flying across the room until it falls over. I’m shaking with anger but stop when I see the scared look on Stiles’ face. “I didn’t mean to so that.” Stiles continues to look at me, mouth hanging open in shock. I try and help Stiles up as he sinks to the ground but he flinches away from me. “I’m sorry. Really. I didn’t mean it. I have to go. I have to get ready for the party. I’m sorry.” I whisper the last part, not feeling right in the head. I grab my jacket and hurry out, avoiding Stiles’ eyes.


With a towel wrapped around my waist, I yank my closet door open and started tossing clothes onto my bed. I had my hands on the top of my towel, ready to take it off and slip on a pair of boxers when Mom came into my room.

“Big date?” I jumped, caught off guard by her.

“Mom, a little privacy,” I said, blushing. She chuckles, crossing her arms. Today, she had the day off so she would finally get to relax for once.

“So who’s the girl?” I smiled, looking down at her.

“Her name’s Allison.” Mom held up the keys to the family car and grinned at me.

“We don’t need to have a talk do we?” she asked, looking me square in the eye. I rolled my eyes in disbelief at her words.

“Mom, I not having the safe sex talk with you.”

“Hahaha, oh my gosh. No, I meant about keeping the tank full. Give me those back.” She took the car keys from me and started to walk away.

“Are you serious?”

“You bet your ass I’m serious. I’m not ending up on a show because of a pregnant sixteen year old.” I groaned as she sat me down on my bed, still in only my towel, and started to have “The Talk” with me.

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